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    Come on Closer – (Chapter: What a Day)

    “ANYWAYS, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for lunch tomorrow and talk?” Kyla asks.

    “Oh sure, now you have time to talk,” I joke.

    “Please Ashley you and I couldn’t have held a decent conversation if we tried. One drink too many,” I can almost hear her smiling.

    “You’re probably right and I guess we can have lunch tomorrow if you have time,”

    “Ashley, I’ll always make time for you to talk,” I smile at this.

    "I should go. Another work dinner.”

    “Knock em dead.” I hear her click the phone off and put it down with a sigh and grab my things to head to the dinner.


    I walk into my office the next day after a boring uneventful night. I was ready to work. Where in the world was Kyla? I spot her in my office with papers spread all over my desk.

    “Excuse me who’s desk is this?” I startle her with my tone and she looks over from head to toe and then back to her papers.

    “You know if you always wear that hard ass ‘I’m a loner and I don’t give a shit’ look on your face all the time, you’re never going to get laid.” She says very matter-of-fact. So matter-of-fact that I had absolutely nothing to say to it. So I just rolled her chair over to make room for two and got to work. A couple hours later I hear her watch go off and I look over at her questioning the interruption.

    “Sorry, I set this to remind me to tell you I’m going out to lunch today and i’ll probably be longer than 45 minutes” She says. Kyla has a lunch date. Kyla has friends. I suddenly wish Carlo and Rossi were here for some moral support.

    “Oh who with?” I ask casually, not really knowing what else to say.

    “My sister we’re going to this cute little Italian Cafe down on James Street,” she says while setting her watch again. She’s punctual, which is good because I’m not.

    “Mmm, i’ve been there, you should try the garlic chicken with their ‘special sauce’ they’ll know what you’re talking about.” I say trying to sound upbeat. Not giving away the fact that eating by myself in the lunch room reading my paper is suddenly pissing me off.

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    1. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    2. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    3. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

    4. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    5. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    6. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

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