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    Come on Closer – (Chapter: What a Day)

    “Okay, I trust your opinion,” she says while watching me fidget with some papers. “Hey Spencer, you should come.”

    “What?” My head snaps in her direction. God Spencer way to act desperate for attention.

    “Well you know, I look in your office and I don’t see any pictures of anyone, nothing personal. From what Julie’s told me you’re pretty to yourself…and I can’t have a loser for a partner, so you’re going to come out to lunch with my sister and you are going to have fun.”

    “Uhh…” I was stuttering because I couldn’t think. I could formulate a sentence. Which is bad because I needed to decline this invitation. I don’t know how to communicate with people. Sitting around a table, eating, making stupid conversation is about one of the last things I want to do. I’m torn. I want friends, but I don’t want to go through the effort of making them.

    “Okay excellent, yes it is.” she says sounding pleased with herself as she whips out her phone. “Let me just call her and let her know to save a table for three”


    *ring ring ring*

    “Hello,” I answer exasperated because my phone has been ringing off the hook.

    “Is that any way to talk to me?”

    “Sorry Kyla, this is bad time can I call you back?”

    “No need, I was just calling because you need to save a table for three because i’m bringing my co-worker along. She’s a bit to herself and I need to break her shell” Kyla says sympathetically. Ladies and Gentlemen, my sister, the social activist.

    “KYLA. I thought we were going to talk.”

    “It’s okay, she doesn’t talk much. She’ll just sit there and listen, promise. I think you may even like her. I mean I don’t know that much about her but it sounds like you two have an odd amount in common.”

    “What ever just don’t be late,” I said trying to sound annoyed. I don’t want to have to make conversation with someone. I do it for work, not in my social life.

    “Ashley I should be telling you that,” I hear her end of the line click again. She always hangs up on me. It’s annoying.

    One thirty rolls around fast enough and I put on some lip gloss, take off my slippers and hid them in the filing cabinet while putting back on my heels (Can’t break the image right?). I drive to the Cafe and end up getting there late. As usual. Of course I see Kyla’s car in the parking lot. I saunter in sulking a bit that I have to share my lunch with some stranger. Some loser stranger from the sounds of it. I turn the corner and stop fast in my tracks. I recognize that hair. I get a flashback and I can almost taste a green olive in my mouth. I walk in further and realize she’s sitting with Kyla. Holy shit. Kyla notices me and waves me over. Holy shit. I see her look up and turn to face me. Holy shit. Her eyes bug as big as mine. Oh boy this was going to be a long hour.


    “God Ashley is always late,” Kyla says checking her watch for the 100th time. My head turns fast towards hers at that name.

    “Ashley?” I ask stupidly. Ashley’s a common name Spencer, calm the hell down.

    “Yeah thats my sister’s name, i’ll introduce you when she comes.”

    “Oh right..yeah,” I say getting a weird look from her. Then she just laughs and then I start to laugh. Then I notice Kyla waving someone over. I turn around and almost choke on my own spit. It WAS her. Oh my god. And she was with Kyla. She’s freaking out too, okay I’m not the only one. I turn around and take a deep breath. Oh boy this was going to be a long hour.

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    1. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    2. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    3. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

    4. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    5. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    6. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

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