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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Cemetery)


    After what seemed like staring at each other for eternity, Ashley moved to the side and indicated for Spencer to join her. The blonde reached down, picked up the flowers, set them next to the gravestone, and then sat down next to her wife. After a couple more minutes of tense silence, the brunette spoke up.


    “Those are beautiful,” she whispered nodding towards the flowers. Spencer looked over at her, giving her her undivided attention, desperate to hear her voice again, that voice she hadn’t heard in two years. “He would’ve loved those.” The blonde nodded in agreement.


    “Yeah…he would have.” They both reluctantly broke eye contact and looked back at their son’s grave. Ashley reached over and traced the words on his grave.


    Tate Carlin Davies

    October 14, 2011-September 5, 2015

    Beloved son and grandson

    May God watch over this child


    The brunette frowned at the words, so impersonal and lacking in warmth. But then again, there was only so much one could put on a gravestone. She didn’t even remember picking out what to put down. She was pretty sure the words had come from Paula. She was jarred out of her thoughts when she felt a soft hand encircle her wrist, and she looked over into those blue eyes she loved so much.


                “Spence,” she starts off in a quiet yet determined voice. “I’m sorry.” The blonde shook her head causing Ashley to be confused.


                “Not here, Ash. Let’s talk somewhere else. Please, come home.” The other woman didn’t make a sound, but instead stood up and offered her hand to her wife. The blonde accepted the help up, and they held hands as they made their way to Spencer’s car. “Did you walk here?” she asked the brunette.


                “No, I took the bus. First time I’ve been out for a while,” she admitted, and Spencer feels sadness spread throughout her chest. They opt to make the rest of the ride back to the house in silence, but both are determined not to lose the connection of their hands. The simple gesture holds great significance for both of them, and they feel the warmth of each other’s bodies through the small touch of their hands. They feel the emptiness return for a brief moment as they cut the connection so that they can get out of the car when they arrive to their destination. They’re quick to reunite their hands as they continue their way into the house. Ashley looks around and is somewhat surprised that everything looks exactly the same, and she wonders if Tate’s room has remained in tact as well. They make their way over to the couch, sit down, and stare at each other. The awkward silence from earlier returns, and Spencer clears her throat before speaking.

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