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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Cemetery)


                “Do you need anything?” she asks referring to a beverage or food of some sort. Ashley definitely needs to eat more.


                “You,” the brunette replies honestly, and Spencer feels overwhelming amounts of guilt. She looks down as she begins the speech to her apology.


                “I’m sorry I asked you to leave,” she starts off.


                “I’m sorry I left,” Ashley replies. This catches the blonde off guard and she looks back into cinnamon brown eyes.


                “I should’ve been stronger for you, I should’ve been more supportive. I’m sorry that I emotionally left you and made you fend for yourself. It was very selfish of me.” To say that the brunette was shocked would be an understatement. Not once had she ever blamed her wife for her loneliness, but only blamed herself for her condition. So she shakes her head, and interrupts whatever else Spencer has planned to say.


                “No, this was my fault. You had every right to be upset. We lost a child. And for that, I’m sorry. It was my responsibility to watch him. I was supposed to protect him. You trusted me to keep Tate safe, and I didn’t. I turned my back for just a few seconds, and I shouldn’t have. I should’ve realized that he could ride away.” Both women had tears in their eyes, and Spencer couldn’t believe how much guilt Ashley had been feeling for the past two years. She could understand why the brunette was driven towards the release of the drugs.


                “Oh Ash,” she said quietly. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t my fault. Tate’s death was horrible, but you didn’t cause it, and neither did I. Placing blame on ourselves isn’t going to help. The only thing that we can blame ourselves for is staying away from each other for so long.” The two wives were badly broken, and it was obvious that what they desperately needed was each other.


                Before Spencer could even register what was going on, Ashley’s lips were on hers in a gentle yet desperate kiss. A kiss that both had been craving for far too long. And while their minds briefly thought that it might not be a good time, their hearts and their bodies knew differently. They needed each other, and they loved each other so deeply, they needed to show each other just how deep their love ran. The feeling of her wife’s lips on hers for the first time in two years caused the blonde to moan, and felt Ashley’s tongue enter and explore her mouth. She then pulled away and looked into the brunette’s beautiful yet confused eyes. She reached her hand out to her wife, and lead her up the stairs into their bedroom. When she saw the room, Ashley was more than happy to find that Spencer had indeed kept everything the way it had been. The brunette suspected that had there been any changes, she would’ve felt uncomfortable. This bedroom would no longer feel like hers had things been changed. But everything was the same.

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