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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Cemetery)


                The blonde continued to lead them to the queen sized bed, and gently pushed Ashley against it causing her to fall onto the mattress. They continued to kiss, and Spencer moved to her jaw line, placing soft tender kisses along the way. The pair soon found themselves without clothing, and Ashley gasped when she saw the way her wife looked at her. She could see the love was still present and just as strong as ever. She blushed under the blonde’s intense stare. It had been far too long since she felt so beautiful. She thought that she looked trashy from the effects of the drugs, alcohol and sleepless nights, but the way Spencer was looking at her now made her feel as though she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. This is what she had been needing. She moaned as the blonde allowed her fingers to trace a path down her body and rest at the juncture between her thighs. She bent down, kissed her wife again, and gently entered the brunette and relished in the moan that escaped Ashley’s mouth.


                The two women finally allowed their bodies the release both had been craving for. They enjoyed the small touches, the hot, wet kisses, and the moans and heated words that escaped their mouths. Spencer and Ashley could feel themselves starting to heal emotionally. They happily remained in bed after their lovemaking, tangled up in one another, getting lost in each other’s eyes. The blonde then placed her hand on her wife’s arm, right where the track marks were, and they both looked down at her arm. Ashley felt embarrassed and ashamed that she had resorted to the use of drugs, and cautiously looked up into Spencer’s eyes. She didn’t see anger, disappointment, or judgment in the cobalt blue eyes, just a look of sadness and worry.


                “I don’t want to loose you,” the blonde said quietly with a little tinge of fear.


                “You won’t, I promise,” the other woman replied. “I’ll never leave you again.” And with that both women knew that the long journey of recovery and healing was starting, but they were both confident that they would make it as long as they had each other.

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