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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Epilogue)


                “No,” she replied in a monotonous tone.


                “What then? Cleanin up?”


                “Something like that.” The man grinned at her reply knowing full well that his best customer was hooked, and there was no way to keep her sober for long.


                “I think this is the longest you’ve gone without a fix. But you and I both know it won’t last long.” The brunette flinched at his statement and realized it was true. She didn’t know if she could stay away from drugs, even for her wife’s sake. Maybe if the blonde didn’t find out, then no harm, right?


                “Whaddya got?”


                “Only the finest for the best,” he replied, his voice now laced with charm. Now that he was sure he hadn’t lost the rich woman who never said no to his stash, there was no need for malice. He turned around and indicated for her to follow. They moved into his alley and he carefully slipped her his latest drug. She inspected it carefully and after a few moments, nodded her head.


                “How much?” He told her his price, and the exchange was soon made. The brunette moved to her own space, arranged a couple lines and snorted them. She figured if she snorted, it would be harder for Spencer to tell as opposed to using a needle. She relaxed as she felt the familiar sensation of nothingness overcome her. The pain, the happiness, the residual guilt all seeped out of her body, and she was left with the numbness.



                Ashley thought she had been pretty covert about the whole situation, and after her high, she had made her way back to her house. She was surprised to find three additional cars in her driveway. Three familiar cars. Three cars which all belonged to Carlins. Little did she know that she had blacked out and it was actually the next night. What she had thought was a few hours turned out to be 24 hours, and when she entered her house, she saw a frantic Spencer with her entire family trying to calm her down. She gently closed the door, and when she turned around, she noticed everyone looking at her. Her wife’s expression went from surprise to rage in three seconds. She made her way over to the brunette and scowled.


    1. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

    2. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

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