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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Epilogue)


                “I don’t want to say goodbye,” the blonde admitted quietly.


                “I know, neither do I, but we need to. It’ll help us find closure,” the brunette told her wife with far more confidence than she held.


                “Will it?” the younger woman questioned, not meaning to sound rude, but wanting to know how the other woman could sound so sure of herself.


                “I don’t know, babe. I honestly don’t know. But we have to try.” She then wrapped her arms around her wife and placed her hands on the blonde’s abdomen. “This one here will need a room.”


                “We have plenty of rooms.”


                “It won’t be fair for us to be living in the memory of Tate, and not living a full and complete life for this child. This child deserves our love and attention, and if all we can think about is Tate, how will that be fair?” Spencer sighed but knew her wife was right.


                “Okay,” she replied acquiescing. With that the brunette handed her a camera, and she started taking pictures so she could at least remember the room. Then with some hesitancy, the two women started to pack everything in silence. Two days later, and everything was packed and stored away. Ashley only allowed the room to remain bare for one day before getting Aiden to help her build the new nursery. She knew keeping it empty would only make things more difficult. Within a week the room was painted a light purple, and new furniture was everywhere. Both women couldn’t wait for their child to join them and bring the laughter of a child back into their lives.



                Both women knew that there was no way they could replace Tate. He was always their firstborn, but they loved Audrey with all their hearts. Both had fears about loosing their daughter, but also knew that they couldn’t stay with her 24/7 to protect her from every little thing that could hurt her. Spencer and Ashley headed back to their room and lied down on their bed and knew that the next day would be interesting. It was the day of the accident, and they would be taking Audrey with them on their trip to the cemetery. They knew that Tate would’ve wanted to meet her, and they wanted her to know that she had a guardian angel looking after her. Ashley snuggled up next to Spencer, and they both smiled at the progress they had made from three years prior.


                “I love you,” the brunette mumbled into her wife’s neck. The blonde kissed the top of her head and smiled.


                “I love you too,” she replied saying it with just as much feeling and love that she had felt ever since they had first said it to each other. Through everything they had gone through, their love for each other remained unbroken and strong.  


    1. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

    2. This has been one of the best ff’s I have ever read, you should be really proud of yourself. The emotion you were able to convey in this story was unbelievable.

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