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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Something Tragic Happened)



                Ashley was happy with her life. She had a beautiful and loving wife and a son who thought she was the world. He was biologically hers, but she knew that Spencer was just as much his mother as she was. Ashley, having not gone to college, due to the fact that she had a massive trust fund, and had traveled with her wife, and lived adventurously. Her biological clock was now going off, and she knew that she wanted to have a baby. Spencer was more than thrilled when the brunette told her of her wish, and they both started discussing having children.


                While Spencer wanted to have a child, she was not ready to go through the nine month process. She was still trying to develop her career, and that was fine with Ashley. She wanted to go through the process, and would be more than happy to carry their child. They went to a sperm bank, checked out different possibilities, and finally chose one whom they found fit. Ashley had actually hired someone to do some more digging around about the guy, and was pleased to find that he was healthy, smart, good looking, and that there was no history of mental illness, all things that had worried both women. They continued on with the process, and soon Ashley was pregnant.


                Ashley loved every minute of being pregnant. From the moment she found out, to the moment her son was born, she loved it. She loved the morning sickness, the doctor checkups, going through names, trying to find the perfect one, and she loved how attentive Spencer was despite her job. And when their son came home, she loved feeding him, waking up to sing him back to sleep, even though he was a good-tempered baby. The thing she loved most about him was his looks. He looked a lot like Ashley, but he surprisingly had blue eyes. Apparently her and the donor both had the recessive trait for blue eyes. She had been told that babies were often born with blue eyes, but that it would fade, but she knew it wasn’t true in Tate’s case. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, much like Spencer’s.

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    1. OMG….I think I just cried a river…that was so freakin must fix this..bring them back together before Ash kills herself. Puh-lease….Great Story…PMS

    2. OMG….I think I just cried a river…that was so freakin must fix this..bring them back together before Ash kills herself. Puh-lease….Great Story…PMS

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