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    Completely Incomplete – (Chapter: 12C)

    “Goodnight, Ash,” I whispered, smiling although she couldn’t see it. I retreated to my bedroom, sleeping soundly with full knowledge of who lay in the other room.



    I awoke to one of the most delicious smells ever to grace my apartment. Confused, I threw on my slippers and walked out my bedroom. Ashley was in the kitchen, cooking on my stove. She looked up and immediately caught my gaze.

    “Morning sunshine,” she smirked.

    “Hey,” I replied. “What’s all this?”

    “I’m making breakfast! You still like French toast, right?”

    “Yeah,” I said, smiling at the fact that she remembered my favorite foods. I looked over at the empty bowl of dog food to my left, though, and remembered I had to take Benny out. As if she was reading my mind, Ashley jumped in.

    “I fed Benny and took him outside.”

    “You did?” I asked.

    “Yeah, I got up kind of early this morning, I guess.”

    “Ash, you shouldn’t have done all of this,” I told her, feeling guilty that she was practically slaving away on her time off.

    “I wanted to. I mean, after falling asleep on your couch, it was the least I could do,” she said. “Thanks for letting me stay, by the way.”

    “No problem. Can I help you with anything?”

    “Nope. It’s just about finished.”

    True to her word, a few minutes later, we were sitting down at the table, shoving our faces with the food. Well, I was shoving my face.

    “I forgot how much I missed your cooking,” I told her through mouthfuls of French toast.

    “Admit it, I’m the best,” she smirked.

    “Okay, okay, you’re the best. How do you make this taste so good? Whenever I make it, it always tastes so bland.”

    “You just have to put in a good mixture of cinnamon and other things. I can show you another time if you want.”

    “Awesome,” I remarked. She smiled back at me as we continued eating.

    “So what does a typical Saturday look like in the life of Spencer Carlin?”

    “Hmm… usually I do some work. Then maybe I’ll take a break for some coffee. Then more work. And then Sex and the City.”

    “Wow, I’m so glad I came all the way from L.A. for that!” she teased.


    1. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    2. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

    3. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    4. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

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