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    Completely Incomplete – (Chapter: 12C)

    “Shut up!” I replied indignantly. She chuckled and took a sip of orange juice.

    “What’s up with that?”


    “With you staying in all the time.”

    “I don’t know,” I replied quietly. “I guess I get caught up in work sometimes.”

    “That’s not good.”

    “I know.”

    “Really… it’s not good for you to be all stressed with your job 24/7,” she said.

    “At least I don’t smoke.”

    “Ooooh, below the belt, Spence,” she joked, faking a grimace. “And for your information, I haven’t smoked a cigarette all day.”

    “It’s only 10 o’clock in the morning, Ash,” I reminded her. “Good try, though.”

    “Mmm, yeah, that was a lie anyway.”

    “Do girls really like to kiss you when your mouth tastes like ass?”

    “I don’t believe I’ve ever had a problem with it before…”

    “That’s gross. I know I would never kiss someone who smokes,” I said.

    “You wouldn’t?”

    “No,” I replied firmly. “And I would never date a smoker either.” She stared at me for a few moments, as though she were pondering something, before speaking again.

    “So anyways… do you want to hang out today?”


    “Um, alright-“

    “I’m kidding, Ash! Jeez… of course we’re hanging out today.”

    “I know,” she smirked.

    “No, you so thought I was serious!”

    “Not true.”

    “Yeah it is! You got that look on your face…”

    “What look?” she asked.

    “That one you always get, right before you start blushing. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.” She rolled her eyes, still smiling widely.

    Anyway, I need to get dressed and shower and everything.”

    “Me too.”

    “Alright, so I’m gonna head back to my hotel… how about you call me when you’re ready to go?” she suggested.

    “No, you call me. You always take longer.”

    “Yeah, that’s true,” she laughed. “I’ll see you later, Spence.”

    “Can’t wait.”

    “Promise I’ll see you?” she asked.

    “Of course,” I told her as I stared into her eyes, sensing what seemed to be fear. I had never seen Ashley afraid before. “Ash…”

    “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… I just… I don’t know,” she stammered.

    “It’s okay.”

    “It’s just… after the last time…”

    “I know,” I replied immediately. Silence filled the air around us for a few moments.

    “Well, I’ll call you when I’m ready then, I guess.”


    1. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    2. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

    3. Nufmaswiga. I love this. Oh how i love this. I can’t write now, too busy vomiting, but I did stop throwing up to read your post. It made me feel better for awhile. That’s the power you have

    4. *swooshes cape* How excited i was to see an update of my favorite girls making their way in the big city. (not my fave thou, that would me Metropolis) How awesome it was too look back in the lives of the girls. you posses a power that i could only wish to have. Good on you mate. That was great. Now I must fly. Things to see people to do *swoosh*

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