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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 3)



                                          September 10, 2009



    I walk around the screaming mortal girl who is tie up on the bed. She has blood draining from her neck, to her breast. She is a cute looking girl. I’ve seen better in my days, like Spencer. This girl has black hair that goes down to her shoulders. She has red bangs that go down to her chin. She looks like she is wearing contacts lenses that made her eyes look red. Mascara runs down from her eyes to her cheeks.



    " Hey "



    This mortal whispered in my ear, licking the tip of it with her tongue. I turned around and see a cute girl that is wearing almost nothing but a bra, a thong, and a tie. She would have been a pretty girl if she did not smoke. I gave her my famous smile, that shows off my pretty white teeth.



    " Heyyy"



    I hiss out to her, looking her up and down. She has long legs and big breasts. She licks her lips hungry to taste me. To taste what my sweat tastes like. What every part of my body tastes like. I grab her hand and drag her to the dark hallway were I love taking my pray. She grabs my shirt and pulls me over to her lips. Her lips are rough and dry. She taste like a cigarette, so I pulled back and went to her neck, dragging my hands up her stomach.



    " Lets go to my place. "



    She breathed out in to my ear. I node letting her take me to her car, then to her place. This girl does not know it yet, but she is about to die a very painful death.



    " Please. "



    She cried out to me. I really don’t understand why mortals think saying please will make us stop. I mean we are the ones doing this to them, so why would we stop. I crawled up to her neck slowly, looking at it hungrily wanting to try it again. She lets out a yelp when I reach her neck, getting ready for me to bite it again. I instead lick the blood that was dripping down from it. I lick and suck, moving my nails down her stomach making her scream out in pain.

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