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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 3)


    I gave her a playful laugh before I kissed my way down to her stomach licking the blood off the scratches I gave her just seconds ago. I hear her cry out for help just hoping someone will help her. But they won’t, they can’t hear her. No one can, but me and the other vamps. I laugh at the thought of that. I slide my tongue up and down on the deep scratches I made with my nails slowly. I look her in the eyes and see fear. I feel her fear, I feel her heart weakening after every bite, lick.



    I finally took the last bite from her neck. Letting her get out of her pain, letting her drift off to never land. I feel the way her heart is trying to pump out the blood that it needs to survive. I feel the way the heart is giving up, knowing that there is know way to save this body. I feel her last breath of air before I take my teeth out of her neck. I lay there next to the lifeless body trying to catch my breath.





    I sit there on the tree watching Spencer sleep in her bed. Thinking this girl is different she makes me feel different. I don’t know what’s so special about this mortal. She is just like the rest of them. The only different is she likes being scared. She wants to be around me, even if she knows that I’m very dangerous. She makes me think she is better than all the other little mortals in this world. I sit there on the tree branch just watching Spencer dream. I feel the way her heart picks up when she is having a nightmare. The way her heart slows down when she is sleeping peacefully.



    I open the window to her room and climb in. I wanted to touch her, no I have to touch her. She is one of the most beautiful mortals I have ever laid my eyes on. I stand there watching this mortal sleep. I watch how her breathing is smooth. I hear her heart beating, I hear her blood pumping in and out of her heart. I put my hand over her mouth to make her scream not so loud. She looks at me with fear, then she looks at me curiously. I feel her hair, feeling how soft and smooth it is. She relaxes at the touch of my hand on her hair. I removed my hand from her mouth, knowing she won’t scream.

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