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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 3)



    " What are you doing here? "



    I laugh at her, most mortals would be like how do you know where I live. But no not Spencer she was curious at why I’m here.



    " I wanted to touch your hair. "



    I told her honestly. She smiled at me, just laying there like it’s normal for me to be wanting to do this. This mortal girl is doing something to me. She is making me feel weak. Her eyes are looking me up and down. I then remember I have blood all over my clothes. I thought she would scream or run, but she didn’t. She stayed there with me letting me play with her smooth hair.



    " Your not scared. "



    I sound very disappoint to her. She giggle a little bit, before sitting up and taking my hand from her hair.



    " You don’t make me feel scared, you make me feel safe. "



    She said to me with a smile on her face. I don’t understand how I can make her feel so safe if I have blood all over me. Did she not get that I just killed a girl with my teeth and nails.



    " I killed her. "



    I said hoping that will make her scared, but it doesn‘t. She just looks at me very curiously. She moves her hand to my cheek feeling how ice cold I am.



    " Your so cold. "



    She said making me sit on her bed next to her. I then realize that Spencer is only wearing a tank top and spider man underwear. My eyes widen at how beautiful she looks in it. She grins at me and stands up moving around a circle to show off her front and back end.



    " You like? "



    She ask while I move my hands down her tan six pack. She close her eyes liking the feeling of my hand against her skin.



    " Very much. "



    I said to her bring my lips to her stomach feeling each bump against my tongue. That made me moan out loud. I wanted more of Spencer. She let out a yelp of pain when I scratch her with my teeth. I taste the blood with the tip of my tongue. I feel how sweet her blood taste against my tongue.



    " Are you scared now? "



    I ask her before I dig my two sharp white teeth in to her stomachs skin. I feel no fear coming from her body, but I feel pleasure coming from her. I take my teeth out of her skin and really look at her. She is different she likes it when I bite her, she likes it when I try to scare her. She is probably laughing inside her head at how stupid this really is.



    " Your so beautiful Ashley. "



    She said taking my cheeks in her hands. I move my body away from her and went out the window. Not wanting her to touch me anymore. Not wanting her to look at me anymore. I don’t understand this mortal. I don’t understand how she can’t be scared of me, but I’m scared of her.

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