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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 4)



    “ Ashley stop thinking.”

    Shadow said to me sitting up in bed now. She has a smile on her face telling me she enjoyed her dream she had. Probably about Brain her lover boy. Well one of them anyways.



    “ I can’t. “

    She gave me a worried look. She thinks I feel guilty about killing Fang, but that’s not it. I hate Fang and always have.



     “ Should I get Neferet? “

    She ask me while getting up ready to go to the door.



    “ No I’m fine. I just need some fresh air. “

    “ It’s still day time. “

    That is true. I still got another five hours to go before I can get out of this place. I punch the door and yelled a little bit before taking a seat on the chair. I can’t stand the sun, it always makes everything harder.



    “ What in the hell is going on in there? “


    Neferet said as she open the huge wooden door. She looked pissed off .Her hair is all mess up and her eyes have gone red with lack of sleep. Shadow and I both gasp at the site. Neferet knows how to make everyone afraid of her. She is one of the first vamps in this world today. She is very powerful and is not afraid to show it.



    “ Sorry. “

    I said looking down at my hands. She knows something is up with me, but does not want to push me into telling her. She found out a long time ago pushing me won’t make me wants to tell you anything.



    “ Shadow you can sleep in my room today. “


    Shadow node and was on her way to Neferet’s room. Neferet lay there on the bed looking at me.



    “ Come to me my child. “


    She said pointing to me. I did as I was told and laid there next to her. I put my head on her chest as she puts her strong arms around my body. I feel her relax against my skin. She started to play with my brown hair. Moving the strings of hair in between her fingers.

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    1. Phenominal story! I’ve never read nor heard of the book u mentioned but I love ashley being a vampire and that spencer is “dangerous” do pms and I will definitely look for another update shortly…

    2. Loved the chapter(: Okay, I was confused earilier because I was so excited to read your next chapter, I read it too fast and had to re-read it, then I understood it. You did nothing wrong, I just got overly exctied(: It happens a lot, don’t worry about it(: You’re an amazing writer, keep it up. I will be waiting for chapter 5(:

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