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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 4)



    “ Did you know I love you my child? “


    She questioned me her love. I let a slow breath go into my lungs and slowly let it out.



    “ Yes I do. “

    I told her.


    “ Do you trust me? “

    She questioned my trust now.


    “ Yes masterrrr. “

    I hiss master out when she grabbed my hair and pulled me to look at her. I saw anger in her eyes. She is angry at me for not trusting her enough to come to her.


    “ I’m sorry “

    I said taking in the pain she is giving me. She let go of my hair and went back to playing with it softly again. I took in a deep breath to get ready to tell her what has been happening to me.



    “ I’m sacred. “

    I told her while I started to play with her bellybutton, to calm myself down.


    “ I’m sacred of this girl. “


    I said to her softly. She rolled me on my back and laid up top of me, so she can look at me when I speak.


    “ She makes me feel things that I didn’t think were possible. She is not scare of me like she should be. “

    I close my eyes not wanting to see what Neferet’s face looks like.



    “ Do you feel for this girl? “


    She asked as I node my head. She tightens her grip on my thighs. I know she knows it’s a mortal.



    “ I bit her Neferet and she didn’t even show fear. I tasted her blood and she… she tastes so sweet like candy. “

    Neferet looked me in my eyes. There is no meanness in her eyes. They soften a bit, they look like they care. 


    " This girl is very dangerous Ashley. “

    She told me while moving hair out of my face. I feel the power pouring out of her. I feel the way she cares so much about me. I feel everything she feels about me.


     “ I know. “

    I said wanting to cry.



    “ Will you see her again? “

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    1. Phenominal story! I’ve never read nor heard of the book u mentioned but I love ashley being a vampire and that spencer is “dangerous” do pms and I will definitely look for another update shortly…

    2. Loved the chapter(: Okay, I was confused earilier because I was so excited to read your next chapter, I read it too fast and had to re-read it, then I understood it. You did nothing wrong, I just got overly exctied(: It happens a lot, don’t worry about it(: You’re an amazing writer, keep it up. I will be waiting for chapter 5(:

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