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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

    She questioned me I wanted to say no, but then I know that would be a lie. I would see her again even if it gets me killed.



    “ I don’t want to but I don’t think I can stop myself. “


    I told her honestly, she nodded her head. Getting off of me sitting on the bed now.



     “ It will be best if you don’t my child. “

    She said in a very calm tone of voice. That makes me love her so much for understanding this.


    “ I know. “

    I said playing with my hands. She laughed pouring out her power that she grow over the years I have know her.



    “ I am going to tell you something my child, but you must keep it to yourself. “

    I node my head.



    “ I used to be in love with a mortal. He was so amazing, he had jet black hair that went down to the middle of his back. He had the most beautiful green eyes in the world. He was so strong and bright. I tasted him and thought the same has you do to this girl. But then Crimson found out and gave him a choice. He can die or I could. He chose to sacrifice himself to save me.”

    She said closing her eye remembering the nightmare that happen to her.



    “ Ashley I told you this because I don’t want you to get hurt. If you do want be with this girl, then the same thing might happen to her. “

    She said opening her eyes to look at me. I know she is right. I know she is always right. I also know she will keep this just between us.


     “ What if I change her? “

    She laughed thinking my question was stupid to ask.


    “ Changing can only happen if you are powerful like me or Crimson Ashley. “

    She stop laughing and really look at me. She can tell that I’m sad, that I will never be with her.


    “ Ashley you can choose but you will regret it if she dies for you. Trust me. “

    She said laying down on her side to go back to sleep. She has done everything she can to help me. Knowing that I will just do what I want and she can’t stop me. What if Neferet changed her but I know she won’t. I was the last person she has ever change. I am the only one she really cares about. If that was anyone else telling her this she would have killed them for good. I snuggle up to Neferet feeling safe with her and falling into my dream land.

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    1. Phenominal story! I’ve never read nor heard of the book u mentioned but I love ashley being a vampire and that spencer is “dangerous” do pms and I will definitely look for another update shortly…

    2. Loved the chapter(: Okay, I was confused earilier because I was so excited to read your next chapter, I read it too fast and had to re-read it, then I understood it. You did nothing wrong, I just got overly exctied(: It happens a lot, don’t worry about it(: You’re an amazing writer, keep it up. I will be waiting for chapter 5(:

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