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    Dear Diary. – (Chapter: October 4- October 7, 2005.)


    Dear Diary:

    Yesterday was really nothing different than the days before. Still with Spencer, still friends with Aiden, still drama with Madison. Still have the perfect girlfriend, and I am still the luckiest girl alive.

    I hate to sound like a broken record, always repeating the same things, but my life is really all about Spencer Carlin now. It’s very difficult for me to say anything else, because day and night, and in my dreams, I think of her.

    Tomorrow is Friday, and she offered for me to spend the night at her house. I can’t help but smile even now, Diary, just writing about it.

    I know Mother Dearest of mine won’t care, she’ll probably be out with Soon-to-be Father number 5, anyway. So I think I’ll pack tonight, after going to my monthly rehabilitation check. You know, the routine sweep of wounds, scars, etc. The piss-in-a-cup deal, and the hot therapist.

    But, I’m not really looking forward to the hot therapist anymore, Spencer’s better. Way better.

    Okay, so I wish I could say more, but the house phone is ringing and I really need to get ready to go to the Clinic.

    I’ll update you Saturday, after my night with Her!



    Wait! Wait, Diary. So it’s still Thursday night, and I’m updating real fast before bed.

    I went to the Clinic, did the stupid shit they asked me to, and when I went to see the hottie to help me with my ‘problems’, and to catch up on everything, she wasn’t there! Some new guy, He just told me to call him Arthur. I guess he’s a social worker, but he saw my case and wanted to try to help, he said,


    "I have an interest in you. Your case sounds intruiging, and I would really like to get to know you. Call me Arthur, I’ll be your new ‘Therapist.’"


    What the fuck! But he is really nice. And I feel like I know him from somewhere, when I looked at him. His eyes, something about his eyes… They’re unusually kind, and a lot like someone I know.

    For some reason, I feel like his eyes remind me of Spencer’s. Weird, I’m not sure though. Oh well, off to bed!

    Goodnight, Diary.


    October 7, 2005.


    Dear Diary:

    I couldn’t sleep very well last night. I just kept thinking about my night tonight with Spencer. I know she’s not out to her family, and that we’ll have to act strictly like friends… But behind closed doors, things can be different. And her family has to sleep SOMETIME, right?

    My only concern is her obnoxious brother, Glen. God, I hate that kid. When he first came here, I went to watch Aiden at basketball practice, and the perv hit on me ALL practice time. He practically tried everything vocal to get into my pants.

    I really have no idea how Spence and him are related. Maybe they adopted Glen, too, along with Clay. Well, I know that’s not true, you can see the resemblence by appearence. But I sure wish it was.

    Clay’s a really nice kid. Quiet, he was adopted by the Carlins at age 8. I don’t know why I’m telling you the facts, but I’m kind of proud of myself for taking the time to find them out before going over to her house tonight.

    Anyway, it’s early morning and I have about two and a half more hours before I have to leave for school, and I just felt somewhat horrible to know I won’t be telling you anything about the (I’m hoping?) best night of my life! So, this is my way to make up for it.

    Oh yeah, did I ever tell you how much of a genius I am? I was right.  The phone call last night, on the house phone, I was so right!

    So, mom called. And she would,


    "Just like to inform you that I will be with Christopher in his time-share suite in the Costa for the next weekend, and maybe a few days after. I added some money to your credit card, enough for food, things like that. I’ll be back in about five days, maybe a week. Kisses, muah!"


    What a whore. But didn’t I say she would be out? I knew it.

    Diary, life is so predictable. Wish me luck!

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