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    Decisions – (Chapter: 1)

                “Ready to go?” Arthur asked.

                “Yep,” Spencer smiled.

                “Good,” Glen said. “I’m tired of this place.”

                The Carlin family left the hospital and drove home. Spencer let out a sigh of relief when she walked into her bedroom. She flopped back onto her bed. Arthur knocked on the door and walked in.

                “Hey,” Spencer said.

                “You ready to talk?” Arthur asked.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said.

                Arthur shut the door and sat next to Spencer. “Ok,” he said. “What’s going on with you and Ashley?”

                Spencer took a deep breath. “Well,” she started, “at prom, Ash, Aiden, and I got in a fight. Aiden said that he still loves Ashley. Ashley said she should get to decide who she loves so I told her to make a decision. She never made it. Then I got shot. She came today and I asked if she had made her decision and she said no. I told her to leave. She started crying then left.”

                “I’m sorry, honey,” Arthur said wrapping his arm around Spencer’s shoulder.

                Spencer couldn’t hold back any longer. She finally broke down. She started sobbing into her dad’s shoulder. “I don’t know what to do, dad,” she sobbed. “I love her and I don’t know if she loves me back. I don’t know if she’s going to choose me.”

                “Why don’t you call her?” Arthur suggested.

                “I’m scared,” Spencer said. “I don’t want to break down like this.”

                “Everything is going to be ok,” Arthur said softly. He kissed Spencer’s forehead. “Just give her a call. Talk to her.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said. Her tears slowed and she calmed down. “Thanks dad.”

                “You’re welcome, honey,” Arthur said. He kissed Spencer’s forehead again. He stood up and hugged her tightly. “I’m going to head downstairs and do some work. Let me know if you need anything.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said.

                Arthur left her room and went downstairs. Spencer laid back on her bed. She grabbed the bag from the hospital that contained all her personal items. She pulled out her cell phone. She dialed Kyla’s number.

                “Hello?” Kyla answered.

                “Kyla,” Spencer said, “hey it’s Spencer.”

                “Oh hey,” Kyla said. “I didn’t check the caller id. How are you doing?”

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    1. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

    2. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

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