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    Decisions – (Chapter: 1)

                “I’ve been better,” Spencer said. “I’m out of the hospital. I’m sore but doing ok.”

                “That’s good,” Kyla said.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “How are you?”

                “I’ve locked myself in my room since prom,” Kyla said.

                “Why?” Spencer asked.

                “I don’t wanna see Ashley,” Kyla said. “Or Aiden. Or anybody really.”

                “I know what you mean,” Spencer said. “Ash was there when I woke up this morning and we talked for like two minutes. I told her to leave.”

                “I thought I heard her crying earlier,” Kyla said. “That must have been why.”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “So I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out for a little while. I need to see someone other than my brothers. I don’t think my parents will let me leave.”

                “Sure,” Kyla said. “I’ll be over in a few minutes.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “See you then.”

                Spencer hung up her phone and changed her clothes. She waited for Kyla.

                Kyla grabbed her purse and keys. She left her room and walked down the hall. Ashley saw her and walked out into the hall.

                “Where you going?” Ashley asked.

                “To Spencer’s,” Kyla said walking down the stairs. “Not that it’s any of your business anyway.”

                Ashley stood at the top of the stairs. She couldn’t believe what Kyla just said to her. She walked back into her room angrily.

                Kyla drove to Spencer’s. She walked up and rang the doorbell. Arthur opened the door.

                “Hi, Mr. Carlin,” Kyla said. “Is Spencer home?”

                “Yeah, Kyla,” Arthur said, moving to let Kyla in. “She’s upstairs in her room.”

                “Thanks,” Kyla said. She walked upstairs and knocked on Spencer’s door.

                “Come in,” Spencer said.

                “Hey,” Kyla said walking in. She walked over to Spencer and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

                “Me too,” Spencer said. They sat down on Spencer’s bed. “Thanks for coming over. It’s weird that I really don’t have anyone to call and hang out with. I don’t wanna call Ashley and I don’t wanna call Aiden.”

                “I know what you mean,” Kyla laughed. “It’s good that we get to hang out though. We haven’t really done much besides go to Gray.”

                “Yeah,” Spencer smiled.

                Almost as if on cue, Spencer’s and Kyla’s cell phones started ringing at the same time.

                Kyla looked at her phone. “Aiden,” she said.

                Spencer looked at her phone. “Ashley,” she said. “Should we answer?”

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    1. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

    2. Yet another Post Season 2 fic. I see where Spencer is coming from. This is where I think Ashley needs to make herself clear, in this fic, as well as on the show, that she is trying to decide who she must have in her life, not who she is in love with. That she is choosing between someone she feels is family and her girlfriend, if that is what in fact she is doing, not choosing between to lovers. If Ashley isn’t in love with Aiden, then it should be clear that she is forced to choose between 2 people, not 2 people she is in love with. Personally, as soon as she couldn’t make a decision, that would have been it for me. If you don’t know you are in love with me without hesitation, or say u can’t choose, that means you don’t want me enough. We’ll see what happens.

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