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    Decisions – (Chapter: 3)

                “Ok,” Ashley said.

                “It was great talking to you, Ash,” Spencer said.

                “You too, Spence,” Ashley said.

                “I love you,” Spencer said.

                “I love you too,” Ashley said. “Bye.” 

                Spencer hung up the phone and smiled. She walked downstairs. Her parents were sitting in the living room watching television. She walked in and they noticed her smile.

                “You look happy,” Arthur said.

                “I am,” Spencer said.

                “What happened?” Arthur asked.

                “I talked to Ashley,” Spencer said.

                “That’s great, honey,” Arthur said, now knowing why she was so happy.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “I think I’m going to go to bed. Do I need to take any medication or anything?”

                “Yeah,” Paula said. “There’s a couple.”

                Paula got up and walked to the kitchen. She got the pills for Spencer. Spencer took the pills and went up to bed. She laid there for a few minutes. She grabbed her phone and called Ashley.

                “Hey,” Ashley said.

                “Hey,” Spencer said.

                “Is everything ok?” Ashley asked. “You usually don’t call me right after we get done talking.”

                “I haven’t been sleeping so well lately,” Spencer said. “I thought maybe I could call you and maybe you could stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep.”

                “Of course,” Ashley said. “Anything for you.”

                “Will you sing to me?” Spencer asked.

                “Sure,” Ashley said. “Anything in particular?”

                “No you pick,” Spencer said.

                “Ok,” Ashley thought for a second before she started singing.

    “I don’t know how to make lots of money
    I got debts that I’m trying to pay
    I can’t buy you nice things, like big diamond rings
    But that don’t mean much anyway
    I can’t give you the house you’ve been dreaming
    If I could I would build it alone
    I’d be out there all day, just hammering away
    Make us a place of our own

    I will write you a song
    That’s how you’ll know that my love is still strong
    I will write you a song
    And you’ll know from this song that I just can’t go on without you

    I don’t know that I’d make a good soldier
    I don’t believe in being violent and cruel
    I don’t know how to fight, but I’ll draw blood tonight
    If somebody tries hurting you

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