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    Decisions – (Chapter: 3)

    I will write you a song
    That’s how you’ll know that my love is still strong
    I will write you a song
    And you’ll know from this song that I just can’t go on without you

    Now that it’s out on the table (it’s out on the table)
    Both of us knew all along (knew all along)
    I’ve got your loving and you’ve got my song

    I don’t know how to make lots of money
    I don’t know all the right things to do
    I can’t say where we’ll go, but the one thing I know
    Is how to be a good man to you
    Until I die that’s what I’ll do

    I will write you a song
    That’s how you’ll know that my love is still strong
    I will write you a song
    And you’ll know from this song that I just can’t go on without
    I will write you a song (I will write you a song)
    That’s how you’ll know that my love is still strong (love is still strong)
    I will write you a song
    And you know from this song that I just can’t go on without you”


                Ashley heard steady breathing on the other end. “Spence?” she said softly. “Spence, are you awake?”

                Spencer didn’t answer.

                “Goodnight, Spencer,” Ashley said. “Sweet dreams. I love you.”

                Ashley hung up and went to bed herself. She woke up the next morning with a huge smile on her face. She went through the beginning of the day with no problems. A few people asked about Spencer. Lunch didn’t come fast enough. Ashley ran to the parking lot to her car. She sped to Spencer’s house. She walked up and knocked on the door. Arthur opened the door.

                “Ashley,” Arthur said, “it’s good to see you.”

                “You too, Mr. C,” Ashley said. “Is Spencer around?”

                “She’s upstairs,” Arthur said.

                “Thanks,” Ashley said. She walked in and walked upstairs. She knocked on Spencer’s door.

                “Come in,” Spencer said.

                Ashley walked in and shut the door behind her. “Hey,” she said. “How are you feeling?”

                “Still sore,” Spencer said, “but I’m feeling better. I thought you were going to call before you came by.”

                “I forgot,” Ashley said. “I couldn’t wait to see you so I ran to my car and came right over.”

                “It’s fine,” Spencer said. “So how’s school so far?”

                “It sucks,” Ashley said. “It’s really creepy. Plus you aren’t there.”

                “You only have two and a half days without me,” Spencer said. “I’ll be back on Monday.”

                “Good,” Ashley said. “I don’t know how much longer I can be there without you.”

                “You’ll be fine,” Spencer said. “I have my phone. You can always text me if you want.”

                “I just might have to do that,” Ashley said. She looked over at the clock on Spencer’s nightstand. “As much as I hate to say this, I should probably be getting back.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “Are you still coming over after school?”

                “Yup,” Ashley smiled.

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “See you then.”

                “Don’t miss me too much while I’m gone,” Ashley smiled.

                “I’ll try not to,” Spencer laughed.

                Ashley leaned over and kissed Spencer lightly. “See you around 3,” she said. She got up and walked to the door. She opened it and started out.

                “Ash,” Spencer said.

                “Yeah?” Ashley said stopping in the doorway and turning around.

                “I love you,” Spencer said.

                “I love you too,” Ashley smiled. She blew Spencer a kiss before walking downstairs and out to her car.

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