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    Decoy – (Chapter: Broken Glasses, Whispered Words)


    "Any good?"








    The bed dips down as she once again scoots closer. Her warmth makes it so hard to breathe. Instead of my body naturally taking breaths in and out I have to force them in and out. Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out…




    "Who’s it by?"




    I tilt the cover of the book in her direction. Leaving it there just long enough for her to take in the name strewn across the top of the books cover.




    "James Patterson… He wrote that book about that killer who uh… called himself… mastermind was it?"




    "Roses Are Red." You answer instantly recognizing the description.




    "Yeah, yeah that’s what it is… You like all his books?"




    "He’s my favorite author." You say while sneaking a glance in her direction.




    "That’s cool."




    It’s silent for a long time. Fingers continue to run over the glossy cover as I stare down and trace the enlarged three. I let my head fall back against the wall just a few inches above the wooden headboard.




    At the same moment I feel a hand gently grip the exposed portion of my pale wrist. I don’t flinch, I know better than to try and pull away… I’ve learned that lesson. For a few brief moments, my heart is pounding so hard I swear she can hear it.




    And then the caressing begins. Soft fingers roll over worn flesh. And suddenly I don’t want to move away, suddenly I want to be closer. That’s strange for me. I haven’t wanted to be close to someone’s touch in… years.




    "Did he do that to you?" She asks motioning to the barely visible bruise that covers my left forearm.




    "N-no… I fell."




    "I’m sure that’s what happened." She says her tone full of disbelief.




    In any other circumstance I’d probably try to do a better job at denying the truth. But to be honest whether or not she believes me is the farthest thing from my mind. All I can focus on is her touch.

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    1. Ashley is so gentle with Spencer showing her kindness in small gestures. Unfortunately, Spencer doesn’t know how to receive such kindness, which is truly sad. You write the emotions Spencer is feeling so well. Please post again soon. BTW Please finish “The Practice” I truly love that story. What other website are you posting, “The Practice” on?

    2. i agree with Dallas Spence doesn’t know how to understand the affection she is being shown but Ashley is doing a great job at keeping it light and small nothing to big to scary her away…pms

    3. i really really like this fic! i agree with Dallas and dawniekey. spencer doesn’t understand the smallest bits of affection because of the way she is being treated by aiden. i really like how ashley is taking it slow with her and showing her how much she cares about her in her own way. “] this is awesome! PMS!! you are an awesome writer!

    4. this is great! pretty mysterious to me still because i’m not sure where ashley stands in this group. she’s aware of what happens to spence, yet spence seem afraid after talking back as if ash is as respected (eeesh) as the men. the best part is figuring it out, post after post… thanks!

    5. Ashley is so gentle with Spencer showing her kindness in small gestures. Unfortunately, Spencer doesn’t know how to receive such kindness, which is truly sad. You write the emotions Spencer is feeling so well. Please post again soon. BTW Please finish “The Practice” I truly love that story. What other website are you posting, “The Practice” on?

    6. i agree with Dallas Spence doesn’t know how to understand the affection she is being shown but Ashley is doing a great job at keeping it light and small nothing to big to scary her away…pms

    7. i really really like this fic! i agree with Dallas and dawniekey. spencer doesn’t understand the smallest bits of affection because of the way she is being treated by aiden. i really like how ashley is taking it slow with her and showing her how much she cares about her in her own way. “] this is awesome! PMS!! you are an awesome writer!

    8. this is great! pretty mysterious to me still because i’m not sure where ashley stands in this group. she’s aware of what happens to spence, yet spence seem afraid after talking back as if ash is as respected (eeesh) as the men. the best part is figuring it out, post after post… thanks!

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