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    Decoy – (Chapter: Broken Glasses, Whispered Words)




    Do I enjoy it? To be honest I’m not sure. I mean I there’s no doubt it’s better than Aiden’s touch, but whose touch wouldn’t be better than his? But I’m definitely not comfortable, and I think she senses it. Her hand removes itself just as quickly as it came into contact with my skin.








    It’s barely a whisper, but I hear it. One simple word get me to smile… genuinely. It’s been so long since I’ve heard an apology directed to me. I’m always the one fucking up and then begging for forgiveness.




    "It’s okay."




    Silence surrounds the room once again. Once again she breaks it.




    "Hey you wouldn’t happen to have any Advil, would you?"




    Without answering, I set my book on the end table, and climb out of the bed. Wordlessly I enter the bathroom, grab two pills from the small container, and fill a glass of water. Within seconds I’m standing back in front of her, holding out the pills and glass of water, looking every where except her face.




    "I could’ve got it myself, but thanks. I appreciate it."




    Appreciation? Well… that’s new too.




    I watch her careful not to make eye contact as she takes a large gulp of water and swallows the pills. I reach out for the glass. It’d be rude to expect her to get rid of it herself… Well at least its something that would set Aiden off.




    She hands me the glass. Fingers brushing over mine as pulls her hand back. And like the klutz I am I drop the glass cup. It’s smashes against the hardwood floor with a small crashing sound. I’d say it takes about three seconds before I’m on the floor, hands shaking as I try to pick up each shard of broken glass, and toss them into the white trash bin next to me.




    And then gentle hands are on mine.




    "Calm down. It’s just a cup."




    Just a cup? Maybe to you. Maybe to those who don’t have to suffer the consequences.




    "He’ll be upset."




    "Over a glass?"




    I nod, eyes downcast.




    "Well then I guess it’s a good thing that I broke it."




    "But you didn’t." I say.




    Gentle fingers caress my jaw, lifting it upwards.




    "Hey, I’m up here."




    I finally allow myself to stare back into her dark brown orbs.




    "It’s okay. I broke it." She says.




    My hands are in hers and for some reason, the want to pull away from the sense of touch is there… Granted, you do still feel a light skin crawling itch, but some part of you is okay with this. Some part of you accepts this gesture as being okay.




    "Your beautiful. You know that?"




    And just like that its gone. I hate this. The part where everyone lies to me. Tells me what they think I want to hear just to get some kind of leg over me.




    "No I’m not."




    I clamp your mouth shut. Wishing I could inhale my words. Talking back is unacceptable. Worse than making eye contact. Talking back can get me burned. And no, not the simple ‘lets take a lighter and burn off a bit of your flesh’. That wouldn’t hurt enough for his liking. Talking back is enough to get me thrown into a tub of nearly boiling water.




    She simply smiles while caressing my face.




    "Yes, yes you are."

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    1. Ashley is so gentle with Spencer showing her kindness in small gestures. Unfortunately, Spencer doesn’t know how to receive such kindness, which is truly sad. You write the emotions Spencer is feeling so well. Please post again soon. BTW Please finish “The Practice” I truly love that story. What other website are you posting, “The Practice” on?

    2. i agree with Dallas Spence doesn’t know how to understand the affection she is being shown but Ashley is doing a great job at keeping it light and small nothing to big to scary her away…pms

    3. i really really like this fic! i agree with Dallas and dawniekey. spencer doesn’t understand the smallest bits of affection because of the way she is being treated by aiden. i really like how ashley is taking it slow with her and showing her how much she cares about her in her own way. “] this is awesome! PMS!! you are an awesome writer!

    4. this is great! pretty mysterious to me still because i’m not sure where ashley stands in this group. she’s aware of what happens to spence, yet spence seem afraid after talking back as if ash is as respected (eeesh) as the men. the best part is figuring it out, post after post… thanks!

    5. Ashley is so gentle with Spencer showing her kindness in small gestures. Unfortunately, Spencer doesn’t know how to receive such kindness, which is truly sad. You write the emotions Spencer is feeling so well. Please post again soon. BTW Please finish “The Practice” I truly love that story. What other website are you posting, “The Practice” on?

    6. i agree with Dallas Spence doesn’t know how to understand the affection she is being shown but Ashley is doing a great job at keeping it light and small nothing to big to scary her away…pms

    7. i really really like this fic! i agree with Dallas and dawniekey. spencer doesn’t understand the smallest bits of affection because of the way she is being treated by aiden. i really like how ashley is taking it slow with her and showing her how much she cares about her in her own way. “] this is awesome! PMS!! you are an awesome writer!

    8. this is great! pretty mysterious to me still because i’m not sure where ashley stands in this group. she’s aware of what happens to spence, yet spence seem afraid after talking back as if ash is as respected (eeesh) as the men. the best part is figuring it out, post after post… thanks!

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