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    Decoy – (Chapter: Don’t Look So Blue)




    The brown eyed girl you know better than you should. The brown eyed girl who’s seen more of you than he ever will. The brown eyed girl whose hands you’ll never forget. The brown eyed girl who sits and watches as he pulls you along the wooden floor.




    Try to forget love

    Cuz’ loves forgotten me





    The door slams shut behind him. A large hand releases your wrist, moving to the center of your chest. He effortlessly shoves you, making you trip over your own feet, sending you backwards. Blood begins to boil as you nearly crack your head against the beige tub, and let out a loud yelp.




    But it’s not your blood, nor his.




    "I try so hard Spencer." He states venomously. Towering over your trembling body. "You make me do this." A rough calloused hand grabs your jaw, forcing you eyes to stare back into his. "How many times do I have to tell you?" He asks pointing to the towel bar. Where one off center crookedly folded towel hangs. "This is not acceptable."




    You stare back at the towel, in shock. The things that set this man off always leave your jaw on the floor.




    Hands that you’ve grown to hate so much reach down, pulling you to your feet by the collar of your shirt. "Not fucking acceptable."




    Well hey, hey baby, its never too late





    The first hit collides with your jaw. And as always you’re surprised by the amount of strength behind it. Surprised by how one person could carelessly use this much force against another, against a lover.




    Pretty soon you won’t remember a thing





    By the forth hit you manage to amaze yourself. You’d think by now you would’ve learned to take each hit in stride. You shouldn’t scream as loud as you did the first time. But you do, you always do.








    No explanation is needed. That three letter word is more than enough. "Please, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again."

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    1. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    2. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    3. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    4. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    5. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    6. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    7. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

    8. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

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