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    Decoy – (Chapter: Don’t Look So Blue)




    Fingers push down against your windpipe. "I don’t believe you." A cracking voice isn’t enough to satisfy him.




    "Please Aiden. I’m sorry. I should have fixed it." You say referring to the badly folded towel. "I fucked up. Please forgive me."




    And I’ll be distant, the stars reminiscing

    Your hearts been wasted on me





    "Do you love me?" Fingers let up on your windpipe, allowing you to breathe.




    "Yes!" You lie so well.



    You’ve never been so used

    As I’m using you, abusing you

    My little decoy






    Rough lips meet yours. All you can do is kiss him back. Kiss him and pretend to mean it. After all you are trapped between the glass shower door and his muscled body… But who are you kidding? Even if you weren’t in this position you’d still be professing your love to him through the movement of your lips. Even if you were in a public setting you’d still nod your head and agree with his every word.




    Because this man has played his cards so well. Filled your head with just the right amount of lies, moved you far enough away, forced you to cut the right people out of your life.




    You feel his hands sliding down your torso, towards the hem of your shirt. In a matter of moments its off and he’s staring down at your topless body. The look of hunger in his eyes makes your insides cringe, and yet all you do is stand there and let him look.




    Don’t look so blue

    You should’ve seen right though

    I’m using you

    My little decoy, my little decoy






    Calloused hands find their way into your golden locks. Fingers wrap around your ponytail. A forceful jerk sends the back of your skull into the thick glass behind you. Teeth bite at your pulse point, hard, but not hard enough. No, Aiden’s smarter than that. He never leaves a mark.




    And yet again you’ve managed to amaze yourself. Knowing all that you know about his habits the thought never crossed your mind. You never thought to tell her not to leave her mark. Never thought to try and cover it up. But in your defense you never really noticed.

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    1. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    2. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    3. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    4. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    5. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    6. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    7. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

    8. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

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