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    Decoy – (Chapter: Don’t Look So Blue)




    Maybe you would have if you weren’t completely ashamed of your body. Maybe you would have if you could bare to look at yourself in the mirror.




    Living life inside a dream

    Time is changing everything





    Your eyes are squeezed shut so tightly that you don’t even know it’s coming. But in truth it’s better that way. Somehow it seems to hurt less when your not prepared.




    Forgetting all the memories

    And I’m forced into you just ‘cuz your into me





    A punch to the gut sends you on your knees.




    "You filthy fucking whore."




    Your barely able to register the seething voice in your ear, before a his foot collides with the back of your head. And once again you find yourself crying out. A cry so loud your sure it echo’s through the house.




    He holds you there for a long while. His foot pressing into the back of your skull. And then he’s on his knees next to you, rolling you over as he stares down at your quivering body.




    "Look at me you fucking tramp."




    Well hey, hey baby its never too late

    When I’m gone you won’t remember a thing





    You hear his words, but they don’t register in your brain. This earns you a stinging slap against your right cheek.




    "Fucking look at me you whore!"




    When you don’t respond he wraps his fingers around your pony tail, once again. Pulling your head forward, and forcing you to look down at your naked torso.




    And there it is. Staring back at you in all its glory. Below your belly button, to the right. A hicky. A fresh hicky.




    Before you can even think of something to say your head is slammed back against the tiled floor.




    "So who you been fucking around with? Huh Spence?"




    But I can’t stay, and you know I won’t wait

    I was gone from the very first day

    Page 4 of 512345


    1. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    2. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    3. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    4. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    5. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    6. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    7. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

    8. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

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