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    Decoy – (Chapter: Don’t Look So Blue)





    The door swings open. So hard that it slams into the wall behind it, and bounces back. Barely giving the welcomed intruder time to step inside without being hit.




    "Get the fuck outta here Ash." He barely looks up as he barks out his command. And there it is ‘his’ first mistake. He has no time to register it before the chained linked belt wraps itself around his throat.




    "C’mon, get up Spence." She says in the gentle voice she always uses when she address you. Hell, if you weren’t seeing it with your own eyes you’d never know she was choking her ‘best’ friend half to death.




    You’ve never been so used

    As I’m using you, abusing you

    My little decoy





    Your on your feet. Shirt thrown over your head within seconds. You watch with a smile as Aiden claws at the belt, struggling to take a breath.




    Her knee collides with his jaw. Carelessly she pushes him forward. Gripping her belt in her palm as she grabs your hand, and leads you out of the bathroom.





    Don’t look so blue

    You should’ve seen right though

    I’m using you

    My little decoy, my little decoy





    In the moments that lead you past the incoherent brother, and out of the front door you think it’s over. You think you’ve finally managed to escape him. But no, that would be too easy wouldn’t it?




    The moment your bare feet hit the brick walkway you hear him call out to you.








    I’m not sorry at all

    I won’t be sorry at all

    I’d do it over again





    You stop in your tracks. His tone making your skin crawl in fear.




    "In!" His tone changes to something else. Something lighter. You wonder why. Until you see Ms. Cooper your sixty year old neighbor step out of her house and into the direction of her mailbox.




    "In." He repeats. Her soft hands tugs at yours.




    Don’t look so blue

    My little decoy





    And for the third time of the day you amaze yourself.




    You shoulda seen right through

    My little decoy





    You tear your hand away from hers




    You’ve never been so used

    My little decoy




    Ignoring her shouts as you walk past him and into the house.




    As I’m using you

    My little decoy





    You are powerless and weak in his presence.

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    1. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    2. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    3. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    4. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    5. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    6. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    7. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

    8. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

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