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    Decoy – (Chapter: Higher Class)

    A tall, overly muscled black haired boy greets me with an outstretched hand as I approach. "I’m Aiden, and that is my fiancé Spencer." He says her name in disgust, and if the way he said her name didn’t make me dislike him, the next words out of his mouth certainly do the job. "Make yourself useful… go clean something." He barks out. With her head lowered she disappears down the hall and out of my site.

    "Honestly I don’t know why I give her the time of day." He says in an I’m way too good for you voice while running his first three fingers through his ridiculous looking bangs.

    Asshole. I think to myself as he leads me down the hall Spencer had just disappeared down. He leads me into the first door on the right. The space is large, and tastefully decorated. Judging by the way he’s dressed I’m assuming the tasteful pieces of art and old furniture are not his doing.

    "This your house?" I question as he motions for me to have a seat. He doesn’t answer right away. I wait patiently as he walks behind a small mini-bar and pours two drinks. He answers as he walks back around the small bar.

    "Yes… It used to be Tommy’s but he set me up real nice." The man leans forward, I take the offered drink. "Whiskey." He says as he watches me stare down at the half filled glass. I tip my head in his direction before downing the entire glass. The look of surprise on his face makes my blood boil. It’s as if he’s never been around a woman who could handle whiskey. In a way it’s amusing, but mostly it annoys me to know that their are still men living in a time where they think woman are supposed to be submissive house cleaners.

    "I’ve heard a lot of good things about you." He takes a seat in the chair across from me as I nod in agreement.

    "What can I say, I guess I’ve made a lot of accomplishments." He nods his oversized head as he sets his still half full glass on the small brown coffee table resting between us.

    "Yes it seems that way… Most people have to start from the bottom and work they’re way up. But with you it seems as if your already here." He says pointing to himself. Obviously he thinks he’s someone important… and sadly for me all I can do is nod and smile because he is someone important, someone I have to respect.

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    1. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

    2. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

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