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    Decoy – (Chapter: Higher Class)

    A soft knocking sound grabs my attention. Both Aiden and I look in the direction of the door as a soft angelic voice floats around us. "What time would you like dinner?" The asshole across from me looks down at his expensive watch.

    "Five-thirty on the dot… and try not to burn it this time." Without so much as an offended glare she spins on her heel and once again disappears from sight. "She’s so fucking useless." Instead of standing up and slapping him across the face as I would like to do I laugh along with him.


    "Where the hell is your head at tonight?"

    "Huh?" I question as I’m snapped out of my pointless day dreaming by a stinging tap on my shoulder.

    Mark laughs and rolls his eyes at my confusion. "I’ve only been calling your name for the past five minutes." He shakes his head and stares back at me, waiting for some sort of explanation to my dizziness.

    "Sorry I’m just a little bit distracted."

    His green eyes stare back into mine as he smiles. "Thinking of Spencer I assume."

    "Why do you always assume that?" I shoot back at him in a defensive tone.

    "Why do you not try and deny it?" My hands shoot up, I run them though my curly locks. I’m short of an answer so I just lean back against my white couch and stare at the figures roaming the large screen.


    I pick up the steak knife that is sits next to my plate. Fork in hand as I begin to cut, I look down the length of the table. "Why isn’t Spencer eating with us?" He lets out a forced laughed, chokes back the meat in his mouth before staring back at me.

    "She hasn’t earned the privilege of eating today… and even if she had there’s no way in hell I’d let her sit at my table." My minds wraps around his words. She hasn’t ‘earned’ the privilege of eating. Who the hell is this guy to think he can dictate whether or not she’s allowed to eat?

    "You don’t allow her to eat?" It seems as if he’s paying more attention to the piece of meat in front of him than me, but nonetheless he answers me.

    "Not if she can’t keep this place clean." I look around the spotless dining room in confusion, as if on cue Spencer enters the dining room offering Aiden and I a pitcher of lemonade. "Plus it’s better for her figure… it’s not like she’s getting any thinner." He stares up at with a smirk her as she fills his glass.

    "Your eyes must be deceiving you, she looks to be in perfect shape." I don’t miss the blush that covers her pale cheeks as she refills my glass.

    "Yes well your staring at her clothed figure…" She pulls back the pitcher.

    "Thank you."

    The forced laugh I’ve grown to hate invades my ear drums for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight. "No need to thank her… you wouldn’t thank the help would you?" He says as he nods to the side, where just beyond the door a boy stands by the pool obviously cleaning it to the best of his ability.


    "I’m going to get her out of that house." Mark turns to me as I continue to stare at the t.v screen, my mind focused on anything but the pointless t.v drama.

    "You really are out of your mind, aren’t you?" He pauses, waiting for a response.


    He snorts. "You must be.. You nearly choked the life out of the boss’s right hand man, only got away with it because the boss loves the fuck out of you. And your still worried about this Spencer girl."

    It’s silent for several long moments. "Yeah well like you said, he does the love the fuck out’ve me… and he values me way more than Aiden."

    "Gotta do what you, gotta do."


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    1. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

    2. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

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