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    Don’t Cry Out. – (Chapter: 2. Spinning the web.)

                “Yeah, I get it. I guess, then, do you want to hang out or something?”

                Spencer frowned, absently rummaging through the junk drawer and trying to remember what she was looking for. “Don’t you have an art show thing today? Aren’t you going to that?”

                Chelsea groaned. “Are you kidding me? You know I can’t.” Spencer snorted and grinned.

                “You want me to go for you, like Clay did last time? Record it?” She offered. Immediately, she remembered that she was supposed to be looking for batteries, and was happy when she spotted them near the back of the drawer, hidden behind all types of assorted junk.

                On the other end, Chelsea paused. “…Please?”

                Spencer couldn’t help but laugh, cradling the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she opened the pack of batteries. “Alright, alright. When’s it start, again? In a half hour?”

                Chelsea’s sheepish grin could be heard in her voice. “Fifteen minutes.”

                Spencer snorted good-naturedly. “I’d better be on my way, then.” She put down the batteries on the counter, praying that they’d still be there when she returned so that she could replace the defected pair of AA’s that currently resided in the home phone’s battery compartment. She and her friend exchanged goodbyes before she hung up, then headed for her bedroom to grab the video camera.


                Spencer was lost. She was late, and she was lost. The art gallery was huge, she was late, and she was lost…and the directory – if you could call it that – wasn’t helping. It was a rough, computerized drawing of the building’s layout, with a yellow smiley-face  sticker looking out of place between two black lines, indicating a corridor. Above it, the words ‘You Are Here’ were scribbled carelessly. The only problem was…Spencer wasn’t in a corridor.

                Her eyes shifted from the useless makeshift directory to the pamphlet in her hands, which was perhaps even more useless. It talked briefly of Chelsea’s work, and stated a hall number where it was displayed…but Spencer had no idea where said hall could possibly be. That was where the directory was supposed to come in handy, but evidently it hadn’t, and now she was lost.


    1. i looovvveedd it ..its great you showed us how they met and didnt skip over that little nifty piece of info..i love this fic..oh and no omens to worry about but u might wanna stay clear of patches of ice on the ground….lol..jk with my really bad predictting skillz you probably live in like brazil and are laughing at me right …nice chapter tho..plzz pms..

    2. i looovvveedd it ..its great you showed us how they met and didnt skip over that little nifty piece of info..i love this fic..oh and no omens to worry about but u might wanna stay clear of patches of ice on the ground….lol..jk with my really bad predictting skillz you probably live in like brazil and are laughing at me right …nice chapter tho..plzz pms..

    3. Ohhh, a pun maniac. My friend Jeff is quite possibly the master, dropping “Accordion to you…” “In a manor of speaking…” and “Just for the halibut…” into conversations with the greatest of ease. I love your inclusion of inanimate objects and their thoughts and actions. The beginning of the fic made me feel bad for my desk drawers, so I opened and shuffled through them guiltily this morning. Is that weird? Don’t answer that….

    4. Ohhh, a pun maniac. My friend Jeff is quite possibly the master, dropping “Accordion to you…” “In a manor of speaking…” and “Just for the halibut…” into conversations with the greatest of ease. I love your inclusion of inanimate objects and their thoughts and actions. The beginning of the fic made me feel bad for my desk drawers, so I opened and shuffled through them guiltily this morning. Is that weird? Don’t answer that….

    5. Aw…That’s so sad how Spencer had to lie because she didn’t want Ashley to know who she really was. *Sniffle* I think it will come back and bite her in the butt later. That sucks but is to be expected…Unless I’m wrong. Did I guess wrong? Will all end well for Spencer/Emily? Plus, you are the Punniest person I know. =) Lol.

    6. Aw…That’s so sad how Spencer had to lie because she didn’t want Ashley to know who she really was. *Sniffle* I think it will come back and bite her in the butt later. That sucks but is to be expected…Unless I’m wrong. Did I guess wrong? Will all end well for Spencer/Emily? Plus, you are the Punniest person I know. =) Lol.

    7. I agree with Bannerman and NotTwinny. But, I really like this story. I wonder if Ashley reconizes Spencer but isn’t saying anything. Poor Spencer;( I just wanted to hug her. I like this version of Ash cause its true to chracter. Ash just never treated spencer this way (on the show). She deserves some payback though. Then some love but, payback first.

    8. I agree with Bannerman and NotTwinny. But, I really like this story. I wonder if Ashley reconizes Spencer but isn’t saying anything. Poor Spencer;( I just wanted to hug her. I like this version of Ash cause its true to chracter. Ash just never treated spencer this way (on the show). She deserves some payback though. Then some love but, payback first.

    9. If I was in that scenario I think I’d take pleasure in informing Ash that she’d fucked me, ditched me, and then flirted with me again cos she’d forgotten who I was – make her as uncomfortable as I’d have felt. Either that or I’d have told her my name and if she said she knew where she remembered me from I’m deny all knowlegde, make her think she was a forgettable shag! She deserves it! But Spencer is obviously not particularly confrontational, which is a shame! I look forward to Ash eventually discovering the truth! write more cos I’m loving it already. Jx

    10. If I was in that scenario I think I’d take pleasure in informing Ash that she’d fucked me, ditched me, and then flirted with me again cos she’d forgotten who I was – make her as uncomfortable as I’d have felt. Either that or I’d have told her my name and if she said she knew where she remembered me from I’m deny all knowlegde, make her think she was a forgettable shag! She deserves it! But Spencer is obviously not particularly confrontational, which is a shame! I look forward to Ash eventually discovering the truth! write more cos I’m loving it already. Jx

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