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    Don’t Cry Out. – (Chapter: 2. Spinning the web.)

                Spencer shrugged in a way that she thought was nonchalant. “Doubtful. I’d remember.” Lies. She did remember. She remembered perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that their meeting replayed in her mind as often as she thought of her own name. So perfectly that she had dreams about it.

                Their conversation was interrupted as a small group of two or three people passed, stopping to show their admiration for the works of the talented young painter. Spencer brought the camera back up once more, switching it back to the proper hand and turning it on just in time to catch their opinions on tape. Like everyone else that had passed by that night, they were astounded. Chelsea would be happy with the results, Spencer knew.

                Once they were gone, the blonde completely switched off the camera. “I guess that’s enough. I’d better get going so I can get this tape to Chelsea.” She looked up at Ashley and smiled, once again hiding her nervous, insecure self behind a façade of innocent cheerfulness.

                Ashley nodded. “Yeah, same here. I have to get to the bakery…do you need a ride?”

                Spencer suddenly remembered the last time Ashley had asked her that, and shook her head a little too quickly. “No, I’ll get a cab. L.A. traffic is bad enough without a detour, and I’d hate to make you late to work.”

                The brunette nodded in an understanding manner, smiling as she held out her hand to shake. “It was nice meeting you, ah…” she stopped, trailing off as she seemed to realize that they hadn’t properly introduced themselves. She laughed. “Sorry, what’s your name?”

                Once again, the unexpected question caught Spencer completely off guard, and she had no answer to it. She could say her real name…but would Ashley remember then? A simple name could trigger a memory like that, and Spencer didn’t want the girl to know she had been lying about not remembering. She gulped, switching the camera to her other hand before taking Ashley’s and shaking it as her mind raced to think of a name.

                “Emily,” she said, remembering the sign at the door. With that, she had shamelessly covered her tracks, chasing lies with more lies. Guilt and relief shrouded her all at once, giving her a slight headache. “And you are…?” In her own mind, Spencer sounded stupid, for the simple fact that the question was stupid. She knew the girl’s name, and yet she still had to ask for it.

                Ashley nodded and smiled, then echoed Spencer’s false name to finish her sentence. “Emily. And I’m Ashley.” She let go of the girl’s hand, then looked at her watch, her eyes widening and a grimace appearing sheepishly on her face when she processed the time. “Hey, I’ve gotta run or I’ll be late, but stop by the bakery sometime and we’ll hang out, okay?” She grinned, starting to walk off. When she reached the entrance to the hall, she turned and called back over her shoulder, “I’ll make you chocolate chip cookies!”

                Spencer watched as the girl disappeared, sighing in an exaggerated manner as she slumped back against the wall and groaned inwardly. “How do I get myself into these messes?” she mumbled, fiddling with the camera absently. She looked up, staring at the painting before her that Ashley had previously looked over with awe. After a few moments, she pushed off of the wall and began to make her way out of Hall 8E. A million thoughts swam in her head as she walked through the gallery, but one thought stood out from the rest.

                Where the hell is the exit?


    1. i looovvveedd it ..its great you showed us how they met and didnt skip over that little nifty piece of info..i love this fic..oh and no omens to worry about but u might wanna stay clear of patches of ice on the ground….lol..jk with my really bad predictting skillz you probably live in like brazil and are laughing at me right …nice chapter tho..plzz pms..

    2. i looovvveedd it ..its great you showed us how they met and didnt skip over that little nifty piece of info..i love this fic..oh and no omens to worry about but u might wanna stay clear of patches of ice on the ground….lol..jk with my really bad predictting skillz you probably live in like brazil and are laughing at me right …nice chapter tho..plzz pms..

    3. Ohhh, a pun maniac. My friend Jeff is quite possibly the master, dropping “Accordion to you…” “In a manor of speaking…” and “Just for the halibut…” into conversations with the greatest of ease. I love your inclusion of inanimate objects and their thoughts and actions. The beginning of the fic made me feel bad for my desk drawers, so I opened and shuffled through them guiltily this morning. Is that weird? Don’t answer that….

    4. Ohhh, a pun maniac. My friend Jeff is quite possibly the master, dropping “Accordion to you…” “In a manor of speaking…” and “Just for the halibut…” into conversations with the greatest of ease. I love your inclusion of inanimate objects and their thoughts and actions. The beginning of the fic made me feel bad for my desk drawers, so I opened and shuffled through them guiltily this morning. Is that weird? Don’t answer that….

    5. Aw…That’s so sad how Spencer had to lie because she didn’t want Ashley to know who she really was. *Sniffle* I think it will come back and bite her in the butt later. That sucks but is to be expected…Unless I’m wrong. Did I guess wrong? Will all end well for Spencer/Emily? Plus, you are the Punniest person I know. =) Lol.

    6. Aw…That’s so sad how Spencer had to lie because she didn’t want Ashley to know who she really was. *Sniffle* I think it will come back and bite her in the butt later. That sucks but is to be expected…Unless I’m wrong. Did I guess wrong? Will all end well for Spencer/Emily? Plus, you are the Punniest person I know. =) Lol.

    7. I agree with Bannerman and NotTwinny. But, I really like this story. I wonder if Ashley reconizes Spencer but isn’t saying anything. Poor Spencer;( I just wanted to hug her. I like this version of Ash cause its true to chracter. Ash just never treated spencer this way (on the show). She deserves some payback though. Then some love but, payback first.

    8. I agree with Bannerman and NotTwinny. But, I really like this story. I wonder if Ashley reconizes Spencer but isn’t saying anything. Poor Spencer;( I just wanted to hug her. I like this version of Ash cause its true to chracter. Ash just never treated spencer this way (on the show). She deserves some payback though. Then some love but, payback first.

    9. If I was in that scenario I think I’d take pleasure in informing Ash that she’d fucked me, ditched me, and then flirted with me again cos she’d forgotten who I was – make her as uncomfortable as I’d have felt. Either that or I’d have told her my name and if she said she knew where she remembered me from I’m deny all knowlegde, make her think she was a forgettable shag! She deserves it! But Spencer is obviously not particularly confrontational, which is a shame! I look forward to Ash eventually discovering the truth! write more cos I’m loving it already. Jx

    10. If I was in that scenario I think I’d take pleasure in informing Ash that she’d fucked me, ditched me, and then flirted with me again cos she’d forgotten who I was – make her as uncomfortable as I’d have felt. Either that or I’d have told her my name and if she said she knew where she remembered me from I’m deny all knowlegde, make her think she was a forgettable shag! She deserves it! But Spencer is obviously not particularly confrontational, which is a shame! I look forward to Ash eventually discovering the truth! write more cos I’m loving it already. Jx

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