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    Don’t Cry Out. – (Chapter: 8. Totally above-average day.)

    Eventually, it came time to leave. It was obvious that this was something neither of them wanted, despite having spent the entire day together at the bakery, but Spencer’s shoes had had their rest and were most likely getting antsy. They were a little hypocritical in that way, at times, but she couldn’t really blame them. She was, too.

    Looking at the clock, the blonde realized how late it really was; past dinner time, even. She stood up almost immediately, rocking the table as her knees collided with the edge of it; Ashley grabbed the coffee in front of her with quick reflexes to keep it from splashing into her lap, looking up at the other girl with a quizzical look on her face.

    Spencer smiled sheepishly, embarrassed at her sudden movement. “Sorry. I really should probably get going, though,” she said, looking back at the clock once more. Ashley followed her gaze, then the realization dawned upon her, as well, and she laughed.

    “I was supposed to get off of work six hours ago. No harm done, though.” She stood, taking the cold coffee with her behind the counter and just setting it there uncaringly. She retrieved her keys from somewhere around one of the coffee brewers, looking over at Spencer as the girl began to head for the door.

    “Do you need a ride?” Spencer turned back to look, seeing that Ashley was holding up her keys with a grin on her face. She glanced outside. It was dark, yes, but she knew she’d be able to walk home easily. Safely, however? That was a different story.

    “If you don’t mind?” she grinned back apologetically, and Ashley only smiled as she headed over.

    “’Course I don’t mind, Em. Come on, then.” She opened the door for the blonde, who curtsied jokingly on her way out as a sign of gratitude, earning a chuckle from the brunette. “Now, where is your house?”

    They’d pulled into the driveway easily, having spent the pleasant car ride just chatting absently, as they had at the bakery the entire day. Spencer thanked the girl for the ride as she opened the door and climbed out, flashing her a smile before shutting it and heading for the door. After taking only a few steps, though, she heard the window roll down, and turned on her heel to look back at her friend.

    “Hey, do you want to come with me to go to lunch, sometime?” The brunette called out, leaning towards the passenger side door to make herself heard. She kept the grin on her face the entire time, and Spencer couldn’t help but wonder if the girl was ever confused or sad or anything other than upbeat and confident.

    She chuckled to herself, nodding. “Sure, just call me whenever.”

    From inside the car, she saw Ashley’s smile grow wider. “Alright, cool. I’ll see you later, then, Em.”

    The two exchanged quick farewells, and Spencer watched Ashley drive off before heading into the house and upstairs to her room.

    Today had been a totally above-average day.


    1. aahh, I missed you! And the update was definitely worth the wait, but I seriously cannot wait until Ashley finds out that Spencer is well… Spencer. Not ‘Emily’. Hah!

    2. I think you’ll find I’m a reformed character and have become a – wait for it… frequent poster! Mental or what?! It’s weird you posted today cos I was actually wondering where the hell you’d vanished to… even went as far as to find your last post to see how long it’d been. It’s been a long time… you should be ashamed. Anyway, loving this story, can’t wait for the shit to hit the fan – I was just waiting for Paula to come out and have a go at Spencer, only for Ash to hear her real name isn’t emily! more more more! please?! Jx

    3. ohh where oh where is this going to leaaaaad?! is the lunch where spencer reveals all? will it be willingly or will it slip? ohhh man! whatever happens..its going to be great!!

    4. So I was walking around the kitchen while I waited for the fanfic listing page to load (ugh, visiting my parents always entails dial-up internet) and when I saw that you had posted I walked straight into the table. Painful? Yes, but if your inanimate object stories have taught me anything, the table is probably pretty sore too. Point is, I love your story and this was a great update. Looking forward to the next one

    5. aahh, I missed you! And the update was definitely worth the wait, but I seriously cannot wait until Ashley finds out that Spencer is well… Spencer. Not ‘Emily’. Hah!

    6. I think you’ll find I’m a reformed character and have become a – wait for it… frequent poster! Mental or what?! It’s weird you posted today cos I was actually wondering where the hell you’d vanished to… even went as far as to find your last post to see how long it’d been. It’s been a long time… you should be ashamed. Anyway, loving this story, can’t wait for the shit to hit the fan – I was just waiting for Paula to come out and have a go at Spencer, only for Ash to hear her real name isn’t emily! more more more! please?! Jx

    7. ohh where oh where is this going to leaaaaad?! is the lunch where spencer reveals all? will it be willingly or will it slip? ohhh man! whatever happens..its going to be great!!

    8. So I was walking around the kitchen while I waited for the fanfic listing page to load (ugh, visiting my parents always entails dial-up internet) and when I saw that you had posted I walked straight into the table. Painful? Yes, but if your inanimate object stories have taught me anything, the table is probably pretty sore too. Point is, I love your story and this was a great update. Looking forward to the next one

    9. SO. Happy. You. Updated. Woot. Dear Spencer and her dear sneakers. How can you all be so stupid and hypocritical? Just wait. Kyla’s probably dating Aiden. They’ll all meet up for the double date or something and WHOOPS! Spencer’s in the crapper. Is it wrong that I can’t WAIT for that – or something similar – to happen? Well, if wanting it is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

    10. SO. Happy. You. Updated. Woot. Dear Spencer and her dear sneakers. How can you all be so stupid and hypocritical? Just wait. Kyla’s probably dating Aiden. They’ll all meet up for the double date or something and WHOOPS! Spencer’s in the crapper. Is it wrong that I can’t WAIT for that – or something similar – to happen? Well, if wanting it is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

    11. sweet! an update… i’d been thinking about this guy one for a while now, so thank you! i have a feeling that kyla might figure out spence’s secret before ashley? but ahh, i’m probably way off. just one more guess among many possibilities. spencer is so intriguing, but i understand her infatuation completely. WONDERFUL update.

    12. sweet! an update… i’d been thinking about this guy one for a while now, so thank you! i have a feeling that kyla might figure out spence’s secret before ashley? but ahh, i’m probably way off. just one more guess among many possibilities. spencer is so intriguing, but i understand her infatuation completely. WONDERFUL update.

    13. sigh poor sneakers. being forced to walk aimlessly to and fro the bakery. god i love it when you decribe the ‘thoughts’ of the inanimate objects, cos it’s scarily real. lol. anyway will spencer finally unveal her true identity during the lunch date with ash? stay tune next time to find out folks!!! (my wishful thinking!)

    14. sigh poor sneakers. being forced to walk aimlessly to and fro the bakery. god i love it when you decribe the ‘thoughts’ of the inanimate objects, cos it’s scarily real. lol. anyway will spencer finally unveal her true identity during the lunch date with ash? stay tune next time to find out folks!!! (my wishful thinking!)

    15. I sympathise with the possum babies but I love this story too much and neeeeeeeeeed an update. Please soon! Can’t wait for Spencer to just be Spencer again.

    16. I sympathise with the possum babies but I love this story too much and neeeeeeeeeed an update. Please soon! Can’t wait for Spencer to just be Spencer again.

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