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    Equinox – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    “Hello there sleepy head.” Lara grinned.

    “Mmm aren’t you a sight for tired eyes.

    “Sleep well?”

    “Like a baby”

    Lara placed the tray on the table beside the bed and handed Faith one of the cups.

    “Thought you might be peckish, so I had H throw us a little tray of goodies together.”

    As if on cue Faith stomach groaned “Seems like I am hungry” She put her coffee down and grabbed Lara. Taking her cup from her and placing it on the table she pulled her down close to her. “It’s not food that I’m hungry for right now.” She kissed her gently at first then as her mood grew more forceful so did the intensity of her kiss.

    Breaking from the kiss Lara pulled off her silk robe, the sight of the slender toned figure sending Faith’s senses into overdrive.

    “So you want something not on H’s menu.”

    “I want you”

    Lara pulled Faith in closer their naked bodies entire length pressed as close as they could be “You got me”


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Lara picked at the slices of fruit on the tray, while Faith devoured cheese and crackers. Smiling as she watched Faith take a cracker smear it with soft cheese, then a slice of ham and devour it in two bites.

    “What’s so funny?” Faith quickly put her hand to her mouth to catch the crumbs “I got cheese on me or something?”

    “Nothing funny.” Lara stroked Faith’s cheek

    “What then?” masticated cracker still trying to escape her mouth

    “You’re beautiful; I love” Lara paused “Watching you.”

    Faith nearly choked as she tried to swallow what was in her mouth “Yeah I kinda remember that from before.”

    Lara looked at her quizzically

    “You watching me” Faith grinned “Play with myself as I sat on your stomach”

    “Ah yes…that was very nice” Lara leaned in for a kiss “You will have to do that again for me”

    “Tell you what I let you watch while I take a shower, how’s that?”

    “Not the same but it will do for now”


    Faith moved the virtually empty tray too the floor beside the bed, not bothering to cover her nakedness as she crossed the room to the shower. She was never shy about her body it made her feel good to have people look at her and want her even when they knew they would never have her. She had her fair share of one night stands after all her motto was get some get gone. Not in this case though she didn’t know what the feelings were she was having for Lara. All she knew was she never wanted them to end, somehow when she was with her she felt special, and whole like Lara was the missing piece of her life.

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    1. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

    2. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

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