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    Equinox – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    Faith had never said the L word to anyone before, and meant it, she had said I love you if she thought it was what they wanted to hear and if it was going to get her laid but she had never actually have the words start in her stomach and grow inside her working up her insides to her heart where she felt if she didn’t say the words her heart would burst from her chest.

    “So you going to tell me about Sunnydale, and your friends, do you miss them?”

    Faith turned off the water and wrapped one of the large towels around her body.

    “Not much to tell really?”

    “What they like, your friends?”

    “I wouldn’t say they were friends as such, more work colleagues.”

    “Ok then your work colleagues”

    “Short version well lets see there’s Willow she’s like Giles need research doing she’s ya man, funny with the one liners and a very powerful witch to boot. There’s Xander he, well he tries to help ends up in trouble and me or B gotta save his ass.”


    “What’s the interest in Sunnydale all of a sudden?” Faith began picking at invisible bits of fluff on the sheets.

    “I’m sorry Faith if you don’t want to talk about it then its ok I just wanted to get to know you”

    “No it’s cool I’m sorry I miss them all I guess. B well…  Buffy is the leader she’s the chosen one”

    “I thought as the prophecy went there could be only one chosen slayer.”

    “Been doing your homework Croft?”

    “I had H do a little for me yes, does that bother you?”

    “No saves time. There is supposed to be one but B died and Xander brought her back but by then Kendra was already called up for duty.”

    “Was there something between you and Buffy?” Lara put her hand to Faith’s chin and raised it looking her in the eyes.

    “Hell no, B’s the thorn in my side, a royal pain in the ass.”

    “You feel something for her though; I can see it in your eyes.”

    Faith looked away “No”

    “The eyes never lie, especially when I see your soul”

    “We spend most of our time together what with the slaying and training. So yeah I suppose I do feel something she’s like a sister I never had. The energy, adrenalin rushing through you when you’re slaying well it…” Faith stopped to think of the right words

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    1. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

    2. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

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