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    Equinox – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    “Hungry and Horny!” Lara found them for her

    “Yeah..It’s not B; it’s just being caught up in the moment you know, after the fighting she’s like the only one there. Most of the time we argue about her bad taste in men.”

    Lara never spoke, she knew Faith felt more for Buffy than she was telling but she wasn’t prepared to lose her over it.

    “Then there’s the Brat… Dawn, I love her to pieces she’s B’s little sis. Probably the best of the whole gang.”

    “So do you miss them?”

    “Nah not really it’s not like they’ve forgiven me yet. And I’m part of the Scooby gang.” Faith realised what she had said when she saw the puzzled look on Lara’s face.

    “Forgiven you?”

    Faith got up off the bed and picked her clothes from the floor

    “Faith what’s wrong, where you going?”

    “I gotta go”

    “Is it something I said? We don’t have to talk about it anymore? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want too. Please stay.” Lara moved to the end of the bed trying to reach Faith.

    Faith stepped back from Lara’s reach desperately wanting to stay, but her legs telling her to go. She had to run get as far from here as she could never see Lara again, before it was too late and she hurt Lara like she did everyone she had ever loved. Ever loved the thought ran through her head making her heart skip.


    Faith never reached the doorway; Lara stood between her and the exit “I won’t let you go”

    “I have to, if I don’t go now I’ll hurt you. Like everyone else I ever L….” She didn’t finish.

    “Faith look at me, look at me” Lara reached out to her “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel how I feel, you don’t feel. The first day I saw you before I even spoke to you I felt like I had known you my entire life. In thirty seconds I knew I had found what I never knew was missing, you make me feel complete. In here” Lara placed Faith’s hand over her heart. “I have fallen for you, with every breath I take. As I stand here naked and exposed I can say I am in love with you.”

    A single tear ran down Faith’s cheek “I love you too”




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    1. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

    2. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

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