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    Escaping The Dark – (Chapter: Hiding The True Me)


    School in a whole was by no means wonderful, but it was bearable. The second day though was an intense, and more dramatic, version of the first. I got lost to every class, and by last period I had just decided to roam around the building until the day was over, which was completely unlike me. I don’t skip. Never. However, sometimes you just have to give up and go with it. As I was walking down an empty hall, I started to turn a corner and instantly felt like I had been hit by a train.


    “Fuck! Watch where you’re going!” What a surprise, another random person was yelling at me. Only this time, the rage in their voice made me terrified.


    “God I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking and-”


    “Whatever. Just move.” The stranger continued to bark.


    I finally decided to look up. The object of my collision stood about my height with brown, curly hair. Her chocolate eyes blazed with intensity as their anger burned into my soul. She did not seem to be having a good day, and apparently I hadn’t made it any better. After her last comment, she proceeded to storm off. Normally I’m a pushover. Any other day I would have most likely continued to apologize to the girl as I let her pass me, and eventually flee in fear for my life. However, between my stressful past couple of days and her evil tone, I was not about to let this girl just go.


    “What is your problem,” I snapped. “I apologize for  an accident and you bite my head off? I’m sorry I ran into you but you don’t need to be a bitch about it!” Wow. Today was definitely full of drama.


    I was ready for a full on war. Sitting there, I was prepared to counter whatever this girl could lash out at me, but instead I was surprised. She ended up just standing there for a few moments, staring me down. I held my breathe in anticipation, but all of the sudden her face softened. Her expression wasn’t one of happiness, but it did express some found calmness.


    “Where are you going?” she asked.


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    1. Holy Cow! I was a fan of your other story, Thursdays, but I am a (not so) secret lover of this. I’m absolutely amazed by it. O lord. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hooked this fast before. Seriously. You need to update soon. I love it. =] Woooooot!!!!! And btw, you are a genius writer. The way you described Spencer’s life using a cliche like “in the closet” was amazing. When I was reading that first sentence I was wondering where you were going with the whole story but now it’s clear that this is headed somewhere great. Wow… This is astonishingly real to the world we live in. I can totally relate. There are days that I feel like Spencer feels now and this just put those days into words for me. I’m your faithful fan forever. Plus the way you started the story was cool. I’m always a sucker for the stories that let Ashley and Spencer have another first meeting in high school. Wheeeee! I’m so high right now, but off of this story. (I don’t take drugs; they inhibit my criticing ability.) Love it.

    2. Holy Cow! I was a fan of your other story, Thursdays, but I am a (not so) secret lover of this. I’m absolutely amazed by it. O lord. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hooked this fast before. Seriously. You need to update soon. I love it. =] Woooooot!!!!! And btw, you are a genius writer. The way you described Spencer’s life using a cliche like “in the closet” was amazing. When I was reading that first sentence I was wondering where you were going with the whole story but now it’s clear that this is headed somewhere great. Wow… This is astonishingly real to the world we live in. I can totally relate. There are days that I feel like Spencer feels now and this just put those days into words for me. I’m your faithful fan forever. Plus the way you started the story was cool. I’m always a sucker for the stories that let Ashley and Spencer have another first meeting in high school. Wheeeee! I’m so high right now, but off of this story. (I don’t take drugs; they inhibit my criticing ability.) Love it.

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