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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Aiden’s Angle)



    “So that was totally not like what I was expecting it to be like. That wasn’t supposed to be that fun!” Kristen’s high pitched whine of a voice filled his room and although he didn’t even really like the girl she was playing a big part in the plan that he had hatched.




    “I’m assuming you got the pictures and let Spencer know what was up,” He turned around slowly his dark eyes landing on her less than enlightened face. The plan had been to let Spencer and Ashley’s relationship progress and then to catch them right as everything started getting heated. Knowing Spencer she would be mortified at the fact that she had actually been doing something outside the spectrum of what was considered normal and judging by her face he had been right. Kristen was sopping wet and her dark hair was dripping all over his floor. In the dark she looked pale and almost ghostlike.







    “Oh yeah I got the pictures, you should have seen her face she was like… oh my god what do I do now? It was classic. So why all the hate on Ashley? I mean I understand that she’s hooking up with your girlfriend and all, but you and Spencer weren’t that serious and you totally sounded like crazy person on the phone talking about how Ashley was evil and how she had to be like defeated immediately or something, a little overkill if you ask me El Capitan,” she cocked her head to the side like the actual idiot that she really was and Aiden let out a sigh he had been holding in since Kristen had walked in behind him.





    “It’s a long story. One that I don’t really want to talk about. I really didn’t have anything else for you to do so you can go now,” his jaw was set in a straight line and he had that I mean business look on his face. Unfortunately Kristen wasn’t that quick on the uptake.





    “Just tell me already it’s not like I’m going to run out and broadcast it to like every single person on the planet, come on Aiden… I did a favor for you and now you can just tell me one eency thingy,” she made a puppy dog face and Aiden knew that she wouldn’t relent until she got what she wanted and after all telling the story might actually help him deal with the loss a little bit better. After all, isn’t supposed to be therapeutic to talk to someone? He smirked a little and pushed Kristen in the middle of the forehead.


    1. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    2. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    3. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

    4. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

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