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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Aiden’s Angle)





    “Alright I’ll tell if you’ll shut up! It started  back in high school when we were at the end of our freshman year…” As Aiden began the story he felt his emotions transport him back to Los Angeles, back to King High School and back into Ashley’s arms.







    It was the last day of school. The hot California sun scorched the air making it almost unbearably hot. Aiden Dennison had just finished his last athletics period for the semester and was hurrying out of the locker room to catch a ride with his older sister. As he ran out of the locker room his sneakers began to skid on the wet floor and he crashed through the door running directly into a petite brunette. She had wild curls and fierce dark eyes. In one hand she held a history notebook and in the other she had an expensive looking ipod.





    “What the fuck jockstrap! They should have a danger people walking sign for you. Shit you nearly killed me,” her eyes bored into him and his stomach fluttered with butterflies.





    “I’m s-s-sorry. I really didn’t mean to run into you. Are you okay?! I mean, I didn’t hurt you or anything did I?”




    “No you didn’t hurt me. What do I look like a little China doll? Please.” She scoffed and blew her bangs out of her eyes. “What you could do to help is get out of my way, I missed my ride and I have to go to the office to call my evil mother to come get me, which I’m sure will result in some kind of torture for me.”




    “Well what if I said I could solve that problem? If we hurry we can catch a ride with my older sister Ainsley. I’m sure she can drive you home. That way you know, you don’t have to incite any evil…”



    “I guess that will work. Ainsley Dennison is your sister? She’s awesome, she’s on the swim team right?”




    1. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    2. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    3. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

    4. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

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