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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Aiden’s Angle)








    Ever since that day he hadn’t been able to speak to her or think about her without feeling the turmoil inside of him. When he had started to date Spencer, he had found it easy to talk to her about Ashley. Maybe he had misinterpreted their relationship because of that. Right now in the dim light of his room, telling Kristen the story he had realized something inside of himself. He didn’t love Spencer. It wasn’t even close and he didn’t want Spencer. He was still very much in love with Ashley and this was a very big problem. 






    Meanwhile Spencer and Ashley had their own drama unfolding. They were in Ashley’s room and Spencer was still extremely upset. Her blonde hair was thrown up into a messy ponytail and she had borrowed some dry clothes from Ashley. Her heart was beating against her chest and she felt sick to her stomach.






    “Ashley what are we gonna do? I can’t move in with Aiden, I don’t love him! We haven’t even.. you know. And I don’t know what this is with you but I’d like to try and figure it out before Kristen tries to crucify me!” Her voice was wrought with emotion and she plopped down on the bed next to Ashley.








    “Spencer, this doesn’t have to be anything. I can be your best friend if you need one. I can be whatever you need. I can be your girlfriend if that’s what you want. I just want you to know that I’m going to take care of you! Your mom won’t see those pictures, I’ll find a way to get them back, and I’ll go talk to Kristen. I’ll do whatever you need,” Ashley put her arms around Spencer and hugged her close. The other girl seemed to relax in her arms and they stayed locked together for the longest time. Slowly Spencer pulled back and looked at the brunette with an incredibly intense gaze.








    “Look Ash, I don’t know what this is but it’s obviously not just a friends things. I don’t know what it will turn into but let’s say right now that we’re just in between right now. I like you a lot and its more than just a best friend admiration.” Ashley’s heart warmed at Spencer’s words. She smiled in response her little speech as if to agree that she was okay with that. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against Spencer’s. For a moment they stayed that way and didn’t move until Spencer gave Ashley the lightest, most intimate kiss she had ever received. Moving her hand up the wall she found the light switch and flicked it off.


    1. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    2. Hmmm, I wonder what happened when the lights went off? Anyway, I tried really hard to feel a little sympathy for Aiden in this story but the boy totally makes my blood boil. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it. I wonder how Ashley will fix this? PMS!

    3. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

    4. hahaha killheroff. i dont think they’re gonna do the deed when they’re in between…it’ll just make things more complicated and confusing than before. bah. great update!! aiden..psht. you dont know what love is little boy. cant waaaait to see what happens next!

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