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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Ashley Davies, THE ASHLEY DAVIES?!)


                A few hours later she was surrounded by a group of giggling girls who were all talking about a keg party they had been to the weekend before. Ashley sized up all the girls at the table and her gaze kept sliding back to one in particular. The girl was strikingly beautiful but in a very natural, I don’t have to try kind of way.

                “And omigod did you see what KT did after she did that like totally awesome keg stand?! She like totally got butt ass naked and ran around high fiving everyone!” A girl who Ashley had come to know as Kristen was animatedly telling the story waving her hands around and being louder than she probably should have but Ash was having fun and enjoying her story. The beautiful girl down at the end of the table stayed relatively silent and pushed her honey blonde hair out of her shining blue eyes. Suddenly she looked up and her eyes locked with Ashley’s. The air seemed to crack with electricity and neither girl could look away until—

                “um HELLO earth to SPENCER!!! You soooo need to back me up here because I am totally thrown for a loop as to what happened next and you were the only sober one at the keg party..,” Kristen trailed off and looked expectantly at the beauty now appropriately deemed in my mind as Spencer.

                “Oh right, so KT got completely naked and then ran out of the barn whooping that she was going to go pee but she was so drunk that she fell over and rolled down a hill backwards,” Her voice had a sexy and undeniable soft lilt to it that sent tremours of delight up and down Ashley’s spine. The whole table started to laugh and then Kristen turned her head to Ashley.

                “So Ashley, what’s your story? I mean before today I’d never seen you and do not leave anything out.. I want to know all the details. Do you have a boyfriend? Is California always sunny? Have you ever met anyone famous?!” Her enthusiasm spread to Ashley and she felt overcome by all the questions but at the same time felt comforted that she was finally making friends. She must have lingered to long on her answer however because Spencer spoke from the end of the table.

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