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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Ashley Davies, THE ASHLEY DAVIES?!)

                “You’ll have to excuse my roommate she’s had way too much sugar today,” She flashed a brilliant smile at the brunette and the world started spinning in slow motion.

                “Oh no it’s cool,” Ashley said putting on her best badass look, “Let’s see. I’ve lived in California all my life. My mom is a heinous bitch who doesn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. My Dad was Raife Davies but he passed away last year, I don’t if you’ve heard of him. I don’t have a boyfriend I tried that out and decided it wasn’t for me so I moved on to girls. Oh and by the way I’m totally available.” Ashley shot Spencer a flirty glance with that last sentence and the other girl blushed and looked down quickly.

                “So you’re like… gay? Or are you like just experimenting? That is so cool! I’m totally cool with it are you guys cool with it? Cuz I totally am.” Ashley laughed at Kristen’s response and tossed her head back, feeling her old self start to come back little by little. She shifted in her plastic cafeteria chair and pulled her knee up resting her chin on it. A few brown curls fell in front of her face as she contemplated her answer. Slowly she raised her head with a mix of triumph and playfulness on her face.

                “I have to go to class but I guess to answer your question you could say…. I’m not into labels,” and with that statement she slung her black messenger over her shoulder and across her toned body. The air outside was hot and dry instantly heating her entire body as she walked across the campus to get to the Music building. From a distance she heard flip flops smacking against the ground and then as the sound came closer she heard, “Hey Ashley wait up! I have to ask you something really quick!”

                Ashley Davies turned around to see Spencer running behind her. As pleased as she was she couldn’t help but feel a mix of nervousness with a hint of apprehension. Don’t get your hopes up Davies, this girl looks straighter than an arrow. She silenced the voice in her head and began to walk again.

                “Okay shoot but we have to walk and talk or I’ll be late and I’ve already been late way too much,” the words spilled out of her mouth and Spencer was suddenly right beside her.

                “We haven’t exactly formally met, I’m Spencer Carlin.” The blonde held out her hand and Ashley took it ignoring the volts of electricity racing up her fingers and through her arm.

                “Ashley Davies. Nice to meet you”

                “So I’m really sorry if I’m being nosy or anything but as soon as I found out you were actually THE Ashley Davies I’ve been wanting to ask you a question. I work for the school paper and it would be amazing if I could interview you sometime. We’ve never really had any celebrities on campus and it’s only an on campus paper so you wouldn’t have to worry about any personal information being leaked to anywhere where they could exploit you but I’m really rambling here and I should probably just shut up,” Spencer stopped her long and drawn out monologue with a sigh and shy smile crept over her face.

                Ashley stopped and studied her for a minute trying to be as perceptive of the other girl as she could but Spencer seemed a little guarded. A little flirting couldn’t hurt do it you pussy, Ashley thought to herself.

                “Well I’m actually not sure if I could do something like that for free,” Ashley watched as Spencer’s face fell in disappointment and Ash quickly recovered, “But I’d be willing to bet there’s something you could do to repay me for my time.”

                Ash waggled her eyebrows suggestively and Spencer shifted from one foot to the other. Just as Ashley was beginning to think that maybe flirting wasn’t such a good idea Spencer looked up and surprised her. The blonde leaned in close to her ear so only she could hear and whispered, “I’m sure we can work some kind of deal out.” As she walked away she gave Ashley a sly wink. Maybe college wouldn’t be too bad after all, only time would tell.

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