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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Dinner and a club?)

    The restaurant was wildly colorful and smelled wonderful as they walked in. Ashley was still feeling a little rattled from Spencer’s little pep talk in the car and her legs were wobbling a little as she tried to walk. It didn’t help that Paula kept eyeing her suspiciously. She sat in between Spencer and Clay at dinner. Right after they gave their drink orders, a tall handsome man appeared. He was wearing an expensive looking suit and seemed extremely confident.






    “Sorry I’m late everyone. It’s good to see you all,” his words were concise and crisp. Everything about him seemed perfect. Immediately, Ashley didn’t like him. It wasn’t that he lacked charm, he exuded it. He seemed almost too polished, like he had rehearsed his own personality but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.





    “You must be Ashley, I’m Ben Montaneo, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she smiled and shook his hand. They all began an easy steady stream of conversation and ordered their food. Once their food came the conversation suddenly turned to Ashley.






    “So, Ashley what’s your major?” Paula asked.





    “I’m actually a commercial music major with an emphasis on performance.”





    “Which means, she’s gonna be famous,” Spencer interjected proudly into the conversation. Ashley rolled her eyes and flashed her a bright smile.







    “Well, being famous isn’t a guarantee but hopefully, one of these days it will happen. I just want my music out there, with my message sent to everyone,” she felt Spencer squeeze her knee under the table and smiled.







    “And what message is that dear?” Paula asked sweetly. Ashley began pushing her Mexican rice around on her plate with her fork and thought about her answer. Spencer felt the tension at the table and decided that things needed to get a little more interesting.




    “I guess the message that I want to send is that, no matter what you should love everyone, to ignore hate. I feel like the world has forgotten that people can be individuals and I just want others to realize that no matter who people are, they all deserve to be loved. After all, love is a gift, it’s just a…” The words caught in her throat when she felt Spencer’s hand inching up her thigh. “It’s just great.”

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    1. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    2. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

    3. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    4. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

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