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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Dinner and a club?)





    “That’s a lovely thing to want to spread to people Ashley.” Paula seemed satisfied and started talking to Ben about a surgery she had performed that day at the hospital. Meanwhile, Ashley squirmed in her seat as Spencer’s hand crept up her thigh finally beginning to rub her through her jeans. The friction was almost unbearable. Ashley shifted in her seat hoping to encourage Spencer to stop but all she did was rub harder. Ashley glanced around the table, checking to see if anyone had noticed but they were all absorbed in their own conversations. Suddenly Spencer began to pulsate her fingers against her clit. Ashley involuntarily slammed her fist down on the table startling everyone, even herself.







    “Ashley are you okay?” Dr. Ben asked.




    “Um yeah, these enchiladas are just so darn good!” She managed to squeak out, just as Spencer began to work on her again. She shot her girlfriend a warning glance and all she received in return was a playful tap right on her soaking wet crotch. Spencer gradually continued teasing Ashley until it was time to go.






    Spencer stood up, smoothing out her skirt and Ashley grabbed her arm pulling her back and cupping her hand to her ear. Spencer looked alarmed and at first Ashley said nothing. When she finally did say something it was barely more than a whisper but Spencer heard it loud and clear.







    “Payback sucks but will definitely happen tonight baby.” Spencer’s eyes became wide and she looked a little caught off guard. Ben was busy helping Paula with her coat and they headed off to take in a few drinks at a local bar. The kids commandeered the suburban and decided to head back to the house to decide what to do. After all, it was 9:30 on a Friday night. The night had just begun. Although Midland was a small town, it had a little bit of everything that the larger cities had. Clay and Glen both wanted to hit a popular dance club and Ashley and Spencer both agreed it sounded like fun. The girls headed upstairs to get ready and before they’d reached the top of the stairs they heard Glen yelling from the bottom.

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    1. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    2. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

    3. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    4. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

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