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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Dinner and a club?)






    “Hey Ashley can I talk to you for a second?” Ashley rolled her eyes and turned around, heading back down the stairs. Glen stood there with his hands in his pockets, a little smirk on his little boy face. “I was wondering, if maybe, you know if you aren’t seeing anyone, if you’d like to be my chick tonight?”






    Ashley stomach turned over with revulsion and she smiled sweetly to cover it up. She had to think fast and she said the first thing that came to her mind.








    “I’m sorry Glen, I’d love to but I’m seeing someone already,” Glen’s face fell and he muttered something about having to get ready. She had to admit, he was cute. In a complete jackass kind of way, plus he reminded her a little of Spencer. Ashley took the stairs two at a time and jumped into the room, startling Spencer who was shirtless.






    “So guess what.”  Ashley waited and Spencer just stared at her. “You’re supposed to say, what…”





    “Haha okay, what?”





    “Your brother just asked me out!”






    “WHAT?!” The look on Spencer’s face was priceless, she looked absolutely stricken. “What did you say?”






    “I told him I was seeing someone. Someone pretty special, a really sexy blonde….” She laughed as Spencer launched a pillow at her.





    “Well, that’s good that you didn’t say yes, I might have gotten a little jealous and I don’t like feeling jealous.”




    “Don’t worry babe, you’re the only Carlin for me. So what are you gonna wear tonight?”





    “I was thinking this blue top,” Spencer pointed to a short blue halter top that was backless. “And that skirt.”





    Ashley’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, the skirt was so short she wondered how much of Spencer’s body would actually be covered. Spencer saw the look on her face and grabbed her hand, drawing her closer. She sucked one of Ashley’s fingers into her mouth, running her tongue back and forth across it. Just as Ashley shoved her back onto the bed, they heard someone running up the stairs. Damn I just can’t win.

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    1. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    2. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

    3. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    4. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

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