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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Dinner and a club?)







    “Hey are you girls ready to go? Glen and I are ready whenever yall are,” Ashley couldn’t believe he had just said yall, Spencer threw on her outfit. Ashley slipped on a deep purple tank top and pulled an off the shoulder black sweater over the top of it. The outfit with jeans was just enough to show off her tanned body to perfection.






    “Don’t get too comfortable in those clothes because they’re coming off soon,” Ashley smiled at Spencer and steered her towards the stairs. They decided to ditch the suburban and take Clay’s jeep. The wind felt great in Ashley’s hair, the night was still and quiet. As they drove, it was almost like they were flying and they pulled up in front of a large warehouse. The bass from inside pounded the walls as they stood in line waiting to get in.





    “So Ashley, can you bust a move as good as the G-man?” Glen spun around and wiggled attempting to shake his ass. Everyone laughed and he took a few over exaggerated bows.






    “I can dance, if that’s what you were asking. Guess you guys will just have to find out.”






    “Ashley before the end of this year, I swear, I’m gonna have you saying yall by the end of the semester,” Spencer smiled and they were all ushered into the club.








    The bass was pounding and Ashley was feeling the song. She didn’t know what it was, there was a guest DJ just mixing it up on the upper level, but she really liked it. Spencer was out on the floor with her and they were dancing together, Glen had gone off chasing some skank and Clay was over on the other side of the dance floor. Ashley had to admit the club was pretty cool, it was set up almost like Gray from back home. Spencer moved closer to her and Ashley could smell the sweat on her body and it made her ache. Suddenly the rhythm changed and Spencer closed the inch of space between them grinding her ass into Ashley’s hips. Ashley wrapped her hands around Spencer’s stomach and pulled her closer moving steadily with the beat. The girls moved slowly off of the dance floor looking for the bathroom, Ashley was aware of Spencer’s hand on her own and as she led her toward the bathroom Ashley slowed.







    “Wait, I need to get to get a drink, this could be pretty hard on me, ya know?” Ashley moved towards the bar to get her drink, but she hadn’t seen Glen by the bar moments earlier. He had slyly snuck a hit of DR drug into her cranberry juice, at the last minute Spencer pulled her back.




    “Just come with me right now, please Ash, I need you now,” how could Ashley resist that. As they were on their way to the bathroom, she passed Clay on her way with Spencer.





    “Hey Ashley is that your drink right there? Can I have a drink?”






    “Yeah sure Clay, I don’t care… go ahead.” Clay grabbed her cranberry juice and drained the glass in one gulp.

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    1. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    2. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

    3. OH SNAPS! Clay got roofied! LMAO….Thank God Ash didn’t drink that…Can’t wait for the post…I am sensing some bathroom action…and a very funny clay.

    4. hahaha oh goddd. clay you poor boy! mmm hot spashley bathroom action. i’m all for it! haha. DONT WORRY! I’LL SAVE YOU! *hit* OFF EVIL SKANK! *hit**hit* OFF! run bud! RUN! i dont know how long these internet hits will keep her away.

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