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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: It started with a bang!)

    She arrived in the nick of time flushed and out of breath. She didn’t see why she had to take English 1301 anyway, she was going to be a rock star for Pete’s sake. She slinked into a chair into the back row and noticed that Professor Adams was staring at her intently.



    “Hi yes, I am THE Ashley Davies. You can start teaching now instead of staring at me,” Ashley crossed her arms defiantly daring the professor to say something to reprimand her. The entire class sensed the challenge and turned to the professor.



    “I realize who you are Miss Davies, I was just surprised you made it to class on time. It’s astounding to see you at this hour of the morning, congratulations,” Professor Asshole (AKA Adams) turned back to the board and began her lecture. Out of the corner of her Ashley spied an arm waving rapidly, shifting her gaze her eyes fell upon a widely grinning Spencer. She didn’t realize that she was in her class. Her stomach dropped as she waved back shooting a half smile her way. Spencer looked beautiful as usual her shining blonde hair was hanging loose around her shoulders and her sapphire eyes shimmered from across the room. Dropping her gaze to the blonde’s tanned and shapely legs, she felt her face flush with remembrance of the dream. 



     Stop thinking about her like that way Davies, she’s got to be straight. Get those thoughts out of your head and find someone attainable, she mentally commanded herself. The problem was she was extremely attracted to Spencer and if yesterday’s little wink had been any indication the other girl was at least halfway interested too.  She opened her notebook and began doodling on the pages and let her mind wander back to the last time she had taken a chance on someone. Before the pain got to be too much she pushed the thoughts out of her head.


    “Hey I didn’t know you were in my class. Good morning,” Her voice was so low and sexy. It stung Ashley in her stomach as butterflies threatened to lift her off the ground. Playing it cool she looked at the blonde.

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    1. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

    2. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

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