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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: It started with a bang!)


    “Yeah good morning. What do you have next?”


    “ Um.. I have news photography and publishing but then I’m done for the day. Listen I hate to bug you about this but I would still love to get an interview with you? I just need to know so I can pitch it during my journalism class” Ashley contemplated her answer for a minute and watched Spencer sweat it out, she was so cute. She was doing her best puppy dog face when Ash finally conceded.


    “Alright Alright I guess I could do an interview with you. But I’m really busy with my recording classes I can only do it tonight around 7. Do you want to go out to dinner and we’ll do it then? My treat,” she crossed her fingers behind her band and waited for an answer.


    “Oh my gosh you’re the best. I promise I will definitely find a way to repay you!” She giggled throwing her arms around Ashley in an impromptu hug. Startled Ashley returned the hug and after a few seconds they still hadn’t released each other. Her heart was banging madly against her ribcage and she inhaled the spicy scent of Spencer.


    “Hey guys like I am totally not liking this whole getting up early thing! Woah look at you two getting all snuggly did I interrupt like something?” At the sound of Kristen’s bubbly voice they immediately broke apart and Ashley could see that Spencer’s cheeks were burning red.


    “Nah Kristen you’re cool I was just leaving. I have class but I’ll see you at 7 Spencer?”


    “Yeah you will. See you then. Have a good day Ash!” This time Ashley was the one to redden, Spencer had just called her Ash. Now it may not seem important but in the world of Ashley, that was HELLA cute. She decided that she had to look perfect for her evening and already the anticipation was killing her.


    Eight hours later Ashley admired herself in the mirror. She had chosen to wear a short black skirt and a white vest that made her look incredibly tan. It showed just enough skin to entice but keep someone wondering. Her shoes were gorgeous, spiked black heels that laced up to mid ankle. To top it all off she had let her brown curls go and they fell wildly around her face making her look invigoratingly carefree. There was a knock at her door and Ashley gathered her wits together. She was going to be cool and nonchalant if it killed her.

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    1. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

    2. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

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