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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: It started with a bang!)


    She opened the door and her mouth dropped open when she caught sight of Spencer. The other girl had her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail and she was wearing a Texans hoodie with sweatpants and was staring at her with her mouth open so wide it could have knocked the floor. Ashley burned with embarrassment as she realized that she was going to have to think of something fast or they were both going to feel awkward.


    “Wow Ashley.. I mean  seriously.. um.. you look.. I need to go change!” Ashley smiled as Spencer stammered over her words, at least she knew she had some effect on the girl.



    “No Spencer really don’t worry about it, I look this hot all the time. Ha just kidding, I just have a date afterwards that’s all and I figured it would be easier to get ready now,” Ashley could have sworn she saw jealousy dance across Spencer’s face but it was fleeting because it had been there and now it was gone replaced with a smile.


    “Okay well let’s get going because I’m starving and I have a deadline, and by the way you don’t look THAT hot,” Ashley reached out and smacked Spencer on the arm and they both walked down the hall laughing and joking like old friends. Before long they were at a crowded restaurant and were sitting at table discussing Ashley.


    “So what was it like to grow up with a rock star Dad and being pretty famous yourself?”


    “Well to be honest, although it was great at times, the bad really outweighed the good. My Dad was never around and then he left my mom and I. And well my mother is an evil power all in herself. So I just learned how to make it on my own,” A sadness passed through her as she reflected back on much dimmer times. Spencer seemed to sense that the topic made her uncomfortable so she quickly shifted gears.


    “So did you play any sports in high school? Were you involved in any musical projects? I heard a rumor that you’re going to be fronting a band on campus this fall…”

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    1. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

    2. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

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