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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: It started with a bang!)



    “Woah woah. One question at a time little Miss I’ve had too many cappuccinos. I’ve loved to swim since I was old enough to walk so I joined the swim team in high school but the early morning practices started killing me so I quit. I wasn’t much of an athlete anyway. I had a band back in California called Scarlet Heaven but when I left for college it kind of fell apart,” like so many other things in your life.


    “And the rumors are true, I’m working on writing some music with a band here that’s local and if all goes well we’ll be doing the fall showcase at school,” Suddenly Spencer’s phone began ringing the room filled with the tones of Barbie girl and Ashley couldn’t control her laughter. Spencer shot her a death glare but it only made her laugh harder.


    “Shut up!” She threw a piece of bread at her which she managed to dodge nimbly.


                “Oh hey baby, oh no I’m so sorry I forgot! I’m actually out to dinner right now doing an interview with the paper but I promise I’ll make it up to you. Okay yeah, me too. Bye” With that she hung up the phone and tossed in her bag as Ashley’s hopes for anything with Spencer sunk to the depths of the Titanic.


                “Boyfriend?” Ashley asked curtly with a forced smile.


                “Yeah, he’s a pain but I love him to death. I forgot we had dinner plans tonight after he finished practice. He plays basketball for the University,” Spencer seemed at ease talking about her boyfriend.



                “Oh yeah? What’s his name? He better be cute enough to keep up with you,” we had casually tossed out innuendos and had been flirting all night long, why stop now? Just because she had a boyfriend didn’t mean we couldn’t still be friends. Close friends even. Close friends who…. NO!


                “Well I have to ask you one more question before we start talking about me. You seem so cool so collected. And obviously other people notice because like you said you have a date tonight. So tell me.. have you ever been in love Miss Davies?” The question momentarily stunned Ashley and she felt like she was going to be sick. She had managed to forget Samantha and all the hell she had put her through.



                “ Um well. Yes. I actually just got out of a serious relationship a couple weeks ago. I don’t really want to talk about that though. Let’s just say I’ve tried my hand at love twice and its Love 2 Ashley 0. One was a boy in high school and the other was.. this girl,” her voice cracked as she tried not to show how badly thinking about Sam hurt still.

    “ You never did tell me your boyfriend’s name?”




    Spencer seemed to catch the hint and didn’t dig any further. She dug around in her purse for a minute and pulled out a clear lip gloss which she applied to her perfect lips.


                “My boyfriend? Oh his name is Aiden. Aiden Dennison.” She smiled and Ashley’s mouth dropped open.

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    1. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

    2. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

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