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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: U and UR Hand)

    Ashley felt Spencer tug on her arm dragging her toward the bathroom. The music pounded around them and they pushed through the crowd of people on the dance floor. Spencer slowed and Ashley tripped over a stray shoe in the middle of the floor. She recovered quickly however, skipping along after Spencer. The girls rounded the corner and collided into each other, trying to keep from running into the massive line that was spilling out from the ladies room.








    “Shit. Guess you’re gonna have to wa-” Spencer cut off the rest of Ashley’s sentence and pulled her toward the empty men’s room. The other girl started to protest but Spencer silenced her with a sultry glance. Spencer opened the door silently and peeked inside, checking to see if there were any guys in there. A grin spilled across her face as she yanked Ashley inside. She forced her up against the door and kissed her hard.

    Spencer moved Ashley’s dark curls off of her shoulders and began to kiss lightly, then a little harder grazing her collarbone with her teeth. Ashley hissed as she felt Spencer’s tongue brush against her neck.








    She ran her fingers along the skin of Spencer’s back, lightly scratching her with her nails. Suddenly Ashley switched their positions, slamming Spencer up against the men’s room door. A small sigh escaped Spencer’s lips and sucked in a breath as Ashley grabbed onto both of her wrists, pinning them against the door. Spencer tried to move to kiss her but Ashley pulled back.










    “You don’t always get to be in control Spence, now just be still and maybe you’ll get what you want,” Spencer’s eyes were heavy with desire and went limp against the door allowing Ashley to take complete control.









    “Put your hands on my shoulders and close your eyes,” Ashley ordered. Spencer did as she was told and Ashley slowly lowered herself to her knees lifting Spencer’s blue halter kissing her stomach softly. She heard Spencer pull in a ragged breath as she ran her tongue across her prominent hip bones. Ashley slowly unbuttoned Spencer’s skirt and slid it down over her legs. Leaning forward she licked Spencer slightly through her panties and she felt Spencer’s hands grasp her shoulders tighter. Carefully using her teeth she pulled at the panties until she had them pulled down past Spencer’s knees. Ashley felt the other girl’s entire body shudder as she leaned forward brushing her tongue against Spencer’s delicate folds.







    “I need more Ashley, you know what I need..”






    “Tell me what you need baby, I want to hear you say it,” Spencer shuddered as Ashley continued to tease her running her tongue along her inner thighs.







    “I want you to make me come,” Spencer whispered hoarsely. Ashley kissed up Spencer’s thigh and started to circle her clit with her thumb. The blonde threw her hips forward and a whimper flew from her lips. Ashley replaced her thumb with her tongue and Spencer lost all control. She was almost screaming now as Ashley rapidly pounded her clit with her tongue. Ashley moved her hands up to Spencer’s full breasts and squeezed gently.






    “Cum for me baby, I want to hear you cum,” Spencer bit back a scream in the back of her throat but she lost complete control when Ashley slipped her tongue inside of her. Spencer’s pants became moans and her moans turned into screams as the orgasm ripping through her body became more intense. By this time Spencer had her nails embedded into Ashley’s shoulders and her whole body was shaking.







    Just then the door against Spencer moved and both girls looked up panicked. Ashley slammed her palms against the door placing all of her weight on the door which was now shaking. Spencer snaked out from under her arms, and quickly put on her skirt. Ashley let the door go and the door swung open revealing a stunned Glen.


    1. hahahahaha oh dear god. now hes gonna be like uhhh why arent you passed out ashley? iii mean i didnt slip you a date rape drug…nope. NOT me! hahaha. omg. LOVE this story. LOVE you! thank YOUUUUUUU! if i knew your address i would totally bake you brownies and send them to you.

    2. hahahahaha oh dear god. now hes gonna be like uhhh why arent you passed out ashley? iii mean i didnt slip you a date rape drug…nope. NOT me! hahaha. omg. LOVE this story. LOVE you! thank YOUUUUUUU! if i knew your address i would totally bake you brownies and send them to you.

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